The starter is located behind the engine . First take the wires off the solenoid, then take the two bolts that go through the bell housing into the starter off and the starter will come out. Place back on mount, put bolts back on and hook wires and hose back up.
Timing is done by chain with an automatic chain tensioner. The accessory drive is a belt located on the front of the engine.
how to change starter on Hyundai scoupe 1993 12 valve
What is the trick for removing the starter, from the engine, I have the starter unbolted but has a small compartment that stops me removing it from the engine?
Should be at the lower rear end of the engine Remove the - battery cableRaise and support vehicleRemove wires from starter solenoid at top of starterRemove starter mounting boltsRemove starter
Suzuki Aerio was created in 2001.
Sell it !!!
How do you replace a transmission filter for a suzuki aerio SX 2006 ?Read more: How_do_you_replace_a_transmission_filter_for_a_suzuki_aerio
where is the tcm located in suzuki aerio
See sources and related links below for all of the correct bulb numbers for the 2006 Suzuki Aerio.
its a chain not a belt.... True. So unless it breaks, you don't have to change it.
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The price range for a Suzuki Aerio varies depending on where the dealer is located and the option package that you choose for the vehicle. For an exact quote visit a dealer in your area.