I pulled my hair out on this when it happened to me, I replaced the gasket, poured draino in the gutter and finally wound up taking it to the shop where they used an air gun to blow out the gutter drains. Look at the bottom of your car about 2 inches in from the door you will see what is called the pinch weld for the uni-body. This pinch weld is where the sunroof gutters drain to, 4 total, one on each corner of the sunroof. If one of these is damaged you will have to straighten it out as best you can to allow the water to drain properly. Good luck
If you have a leak you can replace just the rusted section of the brake line. Any auto parts store will have what you need to do so. Ensure person performing repair performs the job properly.
To my knowledge there isn't one, but at the salvage yard we have people come in with the problem that the electric switch that operates the sunroof, doesn't work anymore, it's usually a bad motor, and not the switch itself. In dire straights, we take out the guts of the sunroof motor, so that persistant customers can manually slide the sunroof back and forth, as to whether it still locks tho, so far not yet. But check your switches and fuses before you try the no guts in the motor trick.
If it is because of the drive, it may need a flywheel also. If it keeps burning out the wiring, I would change brand of starters.
Get a manual on your car and it will help on the next repair.
The?æ1999 Yukon wiring diagram is basically a map of all the wiring in the 1999 Yukon. These wiring diagrams can be found in the Yukon's repair manual.
you can try putting silicon where it leaks i did this to my Truck with a sunroof i put silicon on the top but the con about this that i cant open the sunroof
Where is the power sunroof motor located on a 1994 Chrysler LHS
Go to the J30 DIY section on fuzzycats.com. There are detailled step by step instructions in doing repair work to a J30 sunroof. Warning it is labour intensive work.
The motor is not worth fixing. Go to a junkyard and just get a new one
I have a 1995 there is a latch on the side of the sunroof you pull down on it and them push toward the windshield.
if the bearing is noisy or the pump is leaking replace the pump.It is a job to replace but if you wanat to get a manual on your car from DISCOUNTAUTOREPAIRMANUALS.COM
why can I not stop the leaking of gas from the carburater on a 1994 harley
Sits an inch or two left of the control buttons. Be very carfeful when removing the overhead light cover, the plastic tabs break very easily. Headliner is attached with a bunch of hook & loop.
Sailor Saturn was created in 1994.
8/1 is the stock rim size for a 1994 Saturn sc
Coolant leaking from the heater core.