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Either remove it manually by surgery or give this patient diuretics in addition to the prescription your doc may prescribe.

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Q: How can you get rid of excess fluid in a congestive heart failure patient?
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What do you predict if a patient with congeative heart failure of left venticular origin only were to retain fluid excessively?

Hi:I found this link which talks about congestive heart failure. It doesnt give direct answer for your question but it gives overall knowledge about CHF.

Are congestive heart failure and diastolic heart failure the same?

Congestive heart failure is a buildup of fluid due to a failure of the heart to maintain a normal forward flow. It is a pump problem. Symptoms my include swelling of the soft tissues of the extremities, particularly the lower extremities, shortness of breath from buildup of fluid in the lungs, inability to lie down due to shortness of breath, decreased appetite, and exercise intolerance.An enlarged heart may be seen on chest xray in a patient with congestive heart failure, but other conditions may cause an enlarged heart as well, including chronic hypertension.

What is it called collection of fluid in tissues?

Edema is fluid accumulation in tissues which is common in patients with renal disorders & congestive heart failure. Is is an accumulation of fluid between cells in the tissue.

Can septic shock be seen with severe congestive heart failure?

yes, should provide fluid bolus

What are symptoms for congestive heart disease?

Congestive heart failure causes a build-up of fluid in the body, resulting in swollen ankles, a swollen and possibly painful abdomen, and shortness of breath when there is fluid build-up in the lungs.

What conditions are treated with diuretics?

used to treat the buildup of excess fluid in the body that occurs with some medical conditions such as congestive heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease.also prescribed to treat high blood pressure.may be used in surgery.

Why does congestive heart failure cause your dog to pant?

fluid can build up in and around his lungs making it hard for him to breathe

What does it mean to have fluid in your lungs?

If one has fluid in their lungs it probably means they have Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). This is a problem in which the heart cannot pump blood to the other organs.

What is congestive heart failure?

Congestive heart failure is when both the left and the right ventricle cannot function anymore. it'll lead to the low cardiac output and reduce in venous return. People with this problem classically will present as having lower limb/ sacral edema and also pleural effusion (fluid in lung). You can imagine the heart as a box which is so packed with sand that you can neither fill it in with sand anymore nor remove any sand from the box. Symptoms of congestive heart failure also consist of shortness of breath with simple tasks, coughing or inability to breathe when lying flat, chest discomfort and the feeling like you have a chest cold although you do not otherwise feel sick. There are other warning signs that vary from patient to patient.

What are symptoms of congestive heart failure?

Some of the symptoms of congestive heart failure are: Pulmonary edema, sacral edema or lower limb edema, breathlessness when lying flat, difficulty in breathing and increase blood pressure. for more info, click on the link provided. Note: Edema refers to fluid retention or accumulation of fluid; Pulmonary refers to the lungs.

What is medical term meaning excessive accumulation of interstitial fluid?

Edema means collection of fluid in the tissues. Edema is fluid accumulation in tissues which is common in patients with renal disorders, congestive heart failure and patients with preeclampsia. Edema is an accumulation of interstitial fluid, or fluid between cells in the tissue.

What are symptoms of right sided congestive heart failure?

Right sided heart failure is also known as congestive heart failure. The right side loses it's pumping function and the blood backs up in other areas causing congestion. Congestion affects the liver, the GI tract and the limbs.