No ones father has ever died of Michaelangelo.
sonic the hedgehog, micky mouse and spongebob
Diana is a Roman Goddess. Diana is also a virgin goddess.
Probably sometime in the Garden of Eden...or during Noah's Flood. I don't think anyone realy knows.
y dont you just go and ask a gangster!!! or did you ever wonder y anyone gets a star tatted on them
no way she has been England but not Alton towers
Omg it is the scariest ride ever do not go on it you will be scarred for life
Type your answer here... yes!!! its the best ride ive ever been on! you cant tell wether ur upside down or not! omg, its great! :D
yes i have
Yes, people have died from spider bites.
marijuana is carcinogenic, so it can therefore lead to cancer which may kill you, I don't think anyone has ever died from smoking a joint once though!