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A subject complement follows a linking verb and modifies or refers to the subject. It may be a noun (also known as a predicate noun or nominative) or an adjective (also known as a predicate adjective).

A linking verb is a verb that acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (Mary's feet got wet. feet->wet).

Example sentences:

1. This Pizza is delicious.

  • subject: pizza
  • linking verb: is
  • subject complement: the adjective delicious

2. I became a grandmother today, my daughter had her baby.

  • subject: I
  • linking verb: became
  • subject complement: the noun grandmother

3. My mother was valedictorian of her high school.

  • subject: mother
  • linking verb: was
  • subject complement: the noun valedictorian

4. Her face turned bright red.

  • subject: face
  • linking verb: turned
  • subject complement: the adjective red

5. Our vacation was too short.

  • subject: vacation
  • linking verb: was
  • subject complement: the adjective short
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Q: Give five examples of subject-linking verb-subject complement pattern?
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SVOC stands for "Subject, Verb, Object, Complement." Examples: "They named him Bob."; "We left the door open." Subject: They, We; Verb: named, left; Object: him, the door; Complement: Bob, open.

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Subject-linking verb-complement

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Meaning of s-lv-c sentence pattern?

The "s-lv-c" sentence pattern stands for subject-linking verb-complement. In this pattern, a subject is connected to a complement by a linking verb (e.g. is, seem, become). The complement provides more information about the subject, such as describing it or renaming it.

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The meaning of the s-lv-c pattern is: SUBJECT-LINKING VERB-COMPLEMENT For example: She is beautiful.

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Examples of innate immunity include anatomical barriers, mechanical removal, bacterial antagonism, pattern-recognition receptors, antigen-nonspecific defense chemicals, the complement pathways, phagocytosis, inflammation, and fever.

Example of subject-verb-lingking verb-complement?

The subject - linking verb - complement sentence pattern includes a subject plus a linking verb (is, are, were, was, am, will be, being, been) plus the subject complement, which can be a noun or an adjective. Some examples are:Susie is queen of the class to her classmates.The dog was playful, the kids noticed.Parents are people. too.

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What is svoc in grammar?

SVOC is a clause pattern where S is the Subject, V is a transitive verb (a verb that needs an object), O is the object and C is an object complement (for example an adjective or verb phrase that is linked to the object and completes the sentence.) Examples of this pattern: The man made me angry. S V O C (adj.) This pattern causes difficulties for second language learners because of the uncertainty of what a complement is and what types of complements are acceptable. For example, it is quite common for non-native English speakers to create incorrect sentences like the following... The man made me anger. (X) This sentence is wrong because 'anger' is a noun and therefore cannot be linked to the object which is also a noun.

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