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The Myth is that if your baby's heart rate is over 140 then it's a girl and if under then it's a boy. That's simply not proven. Just an old wives tale. A study of over 200 women done by the Journal of Reproductive Medicine in 1996 shows no truth to the myth.

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14y ago
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16y ago

This used to be medical practice, but research has made this defunct and now it's nothing more than an old Wives' tale.

Anyway, this is how it goes: Girls have faster heartbeats, so anything over 140 bpm is a girl. Boys have slower heartbeats, so anything lower than 140 bpm is a boy.

I don't supposed a fetus perfectly at 140 bpm is a multi gendered baby. <joke>

However, throughout pregnancy the rate of the heartbeat for both boys and girls will fluctuate, depending upon the stage, the stressors, any condition of the mother, age of the mother, any risks of the pregnancy, etc. But it generally stays somewhere around that area of beats per minute.

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13y ago

That's what I was told by several people. When we had a 9 week ultrasound the heartbeat was 167 and everyone said it was probably a girl. But they didnt tell us that the heartbeat can change further along in the pregnancy. Now our babys heartbeat is in the 150s and at the 20 week ultrasound we found out we were gonna have a baby boy. I was for sure it was gonna be a girl. With all the wives tales and the heartbeat and the Chinese calendar. But until you see the ultrasound on a high def machine you just don't know. I was thrilled when they told us our baby was healthy though. I think you just have to be thankful for what you get because not all people get to experience pregnancy.

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15y ago

The heart rate of a child in the womb is not a reliable indicator of sex. However, the myth usually goes that a faster heart rate indicates a boy if you want to play along. 142 would indicate a boy on these terms. However, there is absolutely no evidence to support this theory. My baby girl had a very high heart rate and the doctor even jokingly said "sounds like a boy", but indeed was a girl.

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10y ago

It is said that if the heart rate is between 110 and 130, it is a boy, and between 140 and 160, it is a girl. However, the only foolproof way is birth.

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13y ago

ive had two daughters both fetal heart rates 154-167 pregnant again with 3rd baby fetal heart rate 155 im 16 weeks gone find out the sex on the 10h of December good luck

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16y ago

i did not find any differences between the heart rates for girls and boys, it was obvious that the heart rate varied with age not gender. (or sex)

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12y ago

Around 16 weeks

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Maybe 16

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Q: Fetal Heart rate boy or girl?
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