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the amount of valve open after T.D.C and B.D.C.

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Q: Exhaust valve lag
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What is the function of a relay valve or splitter valve in an air brake system?

Relay valves are used to reduce the lag time when the brakes are applied, and when they are released. They are remote controlled air valves that respond to a con trol signal from the foot valve. They are usually mount ed on a frame rail close to the air chambers that they are to operate.

What causes shutter lag?

In a mechanical shutter it is the time that it takes for the mechanical components to mesh and begin the movement of the shutter blades. These components must also build up the forces necessary to move against the springs that hold the blades in the closed position. This build up of forces takes some finite amount of time to overcome, hence a lag time. Then, depending on mass of the shutter blades there is a finite time it takes for the blades to move to the open position. This is due to inertia. (Inertia is the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.) In an electro-mechanical shutter additional lag times are provided by the inductance of the actuating mechanisms, (usually some electro-magnetic actuator). In these cases the time it takes for the actuator to build up the energy necessary to be able to overcome the "at rest" forces causes additional lag. Shutter lag is a property that shutter manufacturers work very hard to reduce to a minimum required duration. ****************** While technically correct, shutter lag in a modern non-digital SLR is virtually undetectable. The questioner was probably referring to the lag time of a non-SLR digital camera, which as most people have observed, can be a pain in the butt. The answer in that respect is that the lag is due to the time it takes the image to be converted to digital information. High priced digital SLRs have much less lag as their processing time is much shorter. The trade-off is the dent it puts in your wallet. Micron.

A time lag between left and right auditory stimulation is important for accurately?

locating sounds

What wood drill bit size would I use for one quarter inch diameter lag screw into 2 pieces 1 AND HALF inch width wood board?

A 3/16 drill bit.

When mounting a meter base to a pole what kind of bracket do you use?

I generally use four pieces of "unistrut" to make a mounting bracket. I attach the unistrut to the pole using either lag screws or strap. It needs to be secure.

Related questions

What is Inlet valve lag?

it was invented by a man called Justin Andrews . valva lag- inlet valve closes after B.D.C -exhaust valve closes after T.D.C

What is the every day use for an anti lag system?

The everyday use for an anti-lag system is to feed air to the exhaust system. The anit-lag system is used to keep the turbocharger spinning when the engine is not delivering enough exhaust gas.

How do you replace the ekg valve on a 2001 Chevrolet Malibu with a V6 engine?

If you mean the ERG valve which relates to emission, I recommend having a mechanic do it, but the valve itself is not expensive about $50.00. I let this problem lag on and it blew a cap called a diverter valve that has something to do with vacuum, dont wait like I did.

What is different between turbo charger and super charger?

The turbo charger is powered from the cars exhaust gases this is why you get turbo lag the super charger is powerd directly from the cars crank shaft therefor it builds up speed instantly so there is no lag the power is there right away

What is a bang bang system?

A "bang bang" or anti-lag system is a way to reduce the lag in a turbocharged car by introducing fuel into the engine during idle time, but only igniting it when the engine exhaust valves are open. See the related link for some more details and a discussion of its legality in the UK.

What is the function of a relay valve or splitter valve in an air brake system?

Relay valves are used to reduce the lag time when the brakes are applied, and when they are released. They are remote controlled air valves that respond to a con trol signal from the foot valve. They are usually mount ed on a frame rail close to the air chambers that they are to operate.

What is the difference between an inside lag and an outside lag?

Inside lag is the time to implement (pass) a policy, while outside lag is the time it needs to take effect.

How to get rid of lag in diablo 3?

By lag you mean internet lag? Or graphical lag?If you mean internet lag, then the only thing you can do is to make sure no downloads are running while playing the game.If you mean graphical lag, you can try lowering the settings or closing background applications like the anti-virus.

When was Lag - company - created?

Lag - company - was created in 1980.

When was LAG Motorcoach created?

LAG Motorcoach was created in 1947.

How do you get rid of lag?

To get rid of lag go to clean up on your computer

What type of lag is least likely a problem for monetary policy?

The administrative lag.