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Q: Each letters - p a s t o r each have a meaning but what is it?
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The meaning of each words of D-O-C-T-O-R?

Those are not words - those are letters - and they don't mean anything except the sounds each one makes to spell out the word "doctor."What were you trying to ask?

Can you trace three paths from each ship that connect at each of the different letters of the SOS?

The letter O is a c ircle, and therefore has no "end".

What is the meaning o love?

when to people see each other and feel that they are the one. this is not true

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You can arrange the letters in "the letters in the word Hornet", in 7,480,328,917,501,440,000 different ways. There are 25 letter in all, but there are 2 each of n and o, 3 each of h and r, 5 each of e and t. So the number of ways is 25!/[2!*2!*3!*3!*5!*5!] where n! = 1*2*3*...*n

What blood type of a child if the father is blood type o and a mother is type o?

As O is a recessive allele, each parent must be OO, so the offspring would receive an O allele from each parent, meaning they would also be OO, and would test as O.

Which pair of terms shows how email and bulletin boards are related to each other?

o Letters and announcementso Ground and air mailo Letters and packageso Mail and fax

How is a genotype written?

A genotype is typically written using a combination of letters or symbols that represent the genetic makeup of an individual. For example, in humans, a genotype for blood type can be written as A, B, AB, or O based on the specific alleles inherited from each parent. Each letter represents a different form of the gene present on each pair of chromosomes.

What is unusual about the following words revive banana grammar voodoo assess potato dresser uneven?

When the initial letter is removed and added to the end, the word reads the same as it did originally, but from right to left. Eg, banana > ananab; potato > otatop; revive > eviver; dresser > resserd.

F t o g u n i r o i y w a. Please arrange this 13 letters into 3 words 1st word of 7 letter 2nd 3rd word is of 3 letters each?

Those letters can be used to spell "waiting for you". Cute....

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Enoteca is a word meaning wine shop including the letters o, e, and a.

You are o pos your wife is o pos can a child be o neg?

Yes. If you both are Rh+ that means that one of each of your Rh genes is +, but the other could be -. This is called heterozygous, meaning you each have one Rh+ gene and one Rh- gene (+,-). Then there is a 25% chance that your child will be Rh-.

Which letters have more than one of the line symmetry justify your answer and write about each letter M O E X?

Of the capital letters M, O, E, and X, -- M and E each have one line of symmetry, -- X has two lines of symmetry, or four if the cross lines were printed perpendicular, as they are in some fonts, -- O has an infinite number of lines of symmetry. My answer is justified by my firm conviction that it's correct.