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NO, because the whole reason your tired is your constently moving which your running out of breath therefore your heart is racing and speeding up.... your heart rate slows down as you start to cool down

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Q: Does your heart rate get slower as you get more tired?
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Pulse rate refers to the number of times your heart beats per minute to pump blood in your body. Someone who is fit should have a stronger and more efficient heart so fewer pumps would be needed to move blood in the body.

How does temperature effect frog heart rate?

the cooler the frog the slower the heart rate, the warmer the faster

Would a baby's heart rate be slower or faster and why?

Fetal, infant, baby, and toddler heart rate is much higher than an adults. They need and use more energy, but their nervous and respiratory systems are immature. By childhood/middle childhood, heart rate at rest is more like an adult's heart rate.

How Is heart rate affected by being tired?

No oxygen

Why do runners have a slower heart rate?

Runners have a slower heart rate because the act of running makes the heart stronger... with a stronger heart stroke volume is increased so the heart does not need to beat as much to fulfill its transportation needs

Does your heart beat faster by doing nothing?

not really because the more still you are the slower you heart will beat because you aren't using as much energy. yes the more still the slower the heart rate but if you are running your heart rate will increase. Also your heart beats 70 times a minute, depending on your age, infact most children age 10+ hearts beat as muh as that!

When you are in a coma is your heart rate faster or slower?

On average your heart rate is approximately twice as fast while in a comatose state.

Why do turtles hearts beat slower?

They do not do anything to raise their heart rate.

How is it called when a heart rate that is substantially slower than normal?


Why is the standing heart rate lower than the heart rate after excercising?

i think it is because when the heart is relaxed it does not demand that much oxygen and the blood is pumped slower. The heart rate after excercising is higher than the standing heart rate because the heart demands more oxygen to carry out the excercise and the blood is pumped faster throughout the body to both the lungs and heart because it needs more oxygen and in order to prevent an oxygen debt.

Why does the frog heart have lower heart rate than mammalian heart?

Frog's internal body temperature is lower than that of a mammal lower temperature = slower heart rate

Does your heart rate change your energy levels?

Yes, your heart rate will change your energy levels in many different ways. If you are working out you will have a higher heart rate and this will cause you to be tired after you work out.