yes you dont want to get them dirty.
You can not, Sorry
Put this as the caption: And to top it all off......
Cardiac output will level off as your heart muscle strengthens and your body becomes accustomed to physical activity. For example, when first getting started, walking 5 minutes may be enough to increase your heart rate, but within a few weeks, you will need to increase the intensity of your walk to increase your heart rate by the same amount.
An electrode
Yes this is very normal. Usually when adderall is wearing off it can result in headache, mood swings, loss of appetite. and sleepiness just to name a few.
Is there a medication for coming off adderall?
By definition, Adderall is NOT a generic. Adderall is the trade name given to a specific formulation of amphetamine salts. There is a generic form of Adderall, usually called "Amphetamine salts." Just like Coke is not an off-brand cola, but there is off-brand cola.
NO it actually makes you more hyper. It's not until after the adderall wears off that you get sleepy.
Stand up, put your hand over your heart, and take off your hat if you are wearing one.
first off adderall isnt for anxiety its for add, adhd. And if you take something for its intended purpose them itll do whats its supposed to do
If your ADHD medication is wearing off too quickly, you should consult with your doctor about alternative treatments: Adderall XR, Vyvanse, and Daytrana are all extended-release preparations of stimulant medications. Strattera is a non-stimulant option that lasts longer than most stimulants. If you are taking an amphetamine-based ADHD medication (Adderall, Dexedrine, Vyvanse) consuming acidic drinks before taking medication could reduce the effectiveness.
Nope, its pretty much the same thing.
Adderall causes receptors on your neurotransmitters to "stand up" causing an increase of dopamine and seratonin absorption in your body. When adderall wears off these receptors start to bend over again and your nerves are not being stimulated as much causing a temporary feeling of tiredness until your body readjusts to the lower amount. Adderall also increases your heart rate so when it wears off blood is being pumped slower through your body and less oxygen is reaching your muscles, so they feel tired as well until they readjust. In addition, Adderall is a catabolic drug, which basically means that it requires your body to use more energy, so your body is also receiving less energy when it wears off. Not too much to worry about from a physical standpoint, this phenomena is more commonly refered to as a "crash." However, if you have been taking Adderall for a while and the effects of the crash have not lessened you might want to consider talking to your prescriber about lowering your dosage.
Only if you over do it. Moderation my friend!
about 3 hours after the effects worn off
If you are taking adderall for the first time, I advise starting with a lower dose. While this dose is safe, it is best to start with the lowest effective dose possible as you will eventually need to increase your dosing with prolonged use. Consult with your physician if you have any concerns. If you do not have this prescribed, do not take it if you have any heart conditions. Do not mix with caffeine or other stimulants.