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probably right after he finishes injecting himself with massive amounts of steriods

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Q: Does john cena do push ups everyday?
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How sit ups can john cena do?

at the last smackdown vs raw sit up/ push up contest john cena, (raw) did 112 push ups and 116 sit ups. he came second to batista (smackdown) who did 117 push ups and 119 sit ups

How many push ups can John Cena do?


You take adderall everyday run and do push ups and sit ups everyday but due to the adderall you only eat about 3 apples a day will you lose weight?


How do you get better pectorials?

Do everyday Push-ups,Dibs,Bar..... And you'll see how you'll become

What is the opposite of push-ups?

The opposite of push-ups is pull-ups.

How do you make fat person from thin person?

Help them do a good workout! Like 50 sit-ups then 35 push-ups then run two miles everyday.

Does one should push ups everyday?

No, you should rest your muscle for AT LEAST 24 hours before exercising it again.

What is the fastest way to gain chest muscle?

lots of reps. of push ups everyday, chest press machine, or bench press would work too..... for push ups at least 20-30 (or more, depends how many you can do) of them everyday and then increase the number when you feel comfortable..... chest press and bench press are up to you when determining the weight and reps.

What does push ups help you out with?

Push ups will help to build up your arm muscles and help stabilise your core.

Are push ups bad for you?

Push Ups are great as long as you change them up every 3 weeks or incorporate different types of push ups into the mix with less reps and more reps every time. Such as ; Incline Push ups for upper side of pectorals, Regular Push ups for right side of pectorals, Decline Push ups for lower side of pectoral, Knee Push ups for right side of pectorals. Workout Routine: 1×20 Regular Push Ups 1×20 Incline Push Ups 1×20 Decline Push Ups 1×20 Knee Push Ups Then repeat 3 times Push Ups work several parts of the body and are known as a 'Compound Exercise.' They work the Pectorals (or chest), Abdominals , Triceps and Forearms. They also help with endurance. If you squeeze your chest while doing them the results will be better for you chest. In a week if you do 300 - 500 push ups a day you will see results to the right side of the pectorals.

Is there an easier way to do push ups?

depends if your male or female, female push ups are already relativly easy, but if your male give the females push ups a try :)

What are the dangers of push ups?

You have to be careful that you do push-ups correctly. By doing push ups Incorrectly, your risk of damaging your shoulder, back muscles and/or spine is greatly increased.