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no they have to be in the same group

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Adonis Anthony

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Q: Does beryllium or sodium have the same inside electron arrangement as magnesium?
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Examples of alkaline earth metals?

The alkaline earth metals are Group IIA of the periodic table. Alkaline earth metals are metals with a valency of '+2'. They are:Beryllium (Be)Magnesium (Mg)Calcium (Ca)Strontium (Sr)Barium (Ba)Radium (Ra)

Is an electron inside or outside the nucleus?

They are outside the nucleus. They move around the nucleus.

Why does moisture need to be removed before an organism can be viewed with an electron microscope?

Liquids and gases expand inside a vacuum, so the organism's shape would be destroyed..

Where are electrons found in an atom?

They are found in electron clouds around the nucleus.

Why don't electron go inside proton?

In our Universe, various quantities come in "chunks" called "quanta." Amongst these are electricity, which cannot come in any amount smaller than one elementary charge. For (relatively) large things, we can have two objects separated by distances (in micrometers) of 1.000 or 2.000 or 1.500 or 1.379. However, as objects get smaller and smaller, we find that, in our Universe, the quantitization of quantities becomes more and more important. One such quantized quantity is energy state. Basically, when an electron is within the electric field of a proton, our Universe REQUIRES that the electron be in a specific orbital (try not to confuse that word with "orbits," which implies that the electron is circling around the proton) outside the proton. The lowest possible orbital that our Universe will permit an electron to be around a proton is the 's' orbital, in which the electron is MOST LIKELY to be about one angstrom from the proton, with no preference for direction. In other words, this orbital resembles (note the word!) a shell. Our Universe will not permit an electron to be in any lower energy state; ie, it can NOT get any closer to a proton. Don't like this fact about our Universe? Unfortunately, this is the one we'll have to learn about -- we don't have any other Universes to choose from.

Related questions

Which element contains the same inside electron arrangement as phosphorus?

All of the elements in Period 3, excluding group 18/VIIIA, have the same inside electron arrangement as phosphorus. They all have the electron configuration of neon as their inside arrangement of electrons.

Which element contains the same inside electron arrangement as phosphorus (p)?

All of the elements in Period 3, excluding group 18/VIIIA, have the same inside electron arrangement as phosphorus. They all have the electron configuration of neon as their inside arrangement of electrons.

Elements contains the same inside electron arrangement as phosphorus?

Two identical electron configuration doen't exist for atoms.

What elements contains the same inside electron arrangement as phosphorus?

Two identical electron configuration doen't exist for atoms.

How would you make a 3D magnesium atom model?

To make a 3D magnesium atom model, you can start by representing the nucleus of the atom using a small sphere or ball. Then, attach multiple smaller spheres or balls around the nucleus to represent the electrons orbiting the nucleus in different energy levels or shells. Ensure that the number of electrons and their arrangement in the model follow the atomic structure of magnesium, which has 12 electrons arranged in 2-8-2 configuration. You can use different colors for the nucleus and electrons to distinguish them.

Why magnesium oxide is used to line inside furnaces?

Magnesium oxide is a refractory material.

Where do the electrons of a atom stay?

Electrons in an atom are found outside the nucleus in specific energy levels or orbitals. They are constantly moving in a cloud-like arrangement around the nucleus. The exact location of an electron at any given moment is described by its probability distribution.

Is there a diet for magnesium?

Don't eat magnesium (metal) it will 'burn' inside your (acidical) stomach, so its very dangerous!

What is the nuclear reaction for beryllium?

One example of a nuclear reaction involving beryllium is the reaction of beryllium-9 with an alpha particle (helium-4 nucleus) to produce carbon-12 and a neutron. This reaction is important in stellar nucleosynthesis and occurs in high-energy environments such as inside stars.

What is the smallest part inside of an atom?


What happens to the MASS when MAGNESIUM is burnt inside a CONTAINER?

When magnesium is burnt inside a container, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. The total mass of the system will remain the same before and after the reaction, according to the law of conservation of mass. However, the mass of the magnesium itself will decrease as it transforms into magnesium oxide.

Why is the inside of he bulb containing the magnesium is filled with a ''noble'' gas instead of air?

The inside of the bulb containing magnesium is filled with a noble gas instead of air to prevent the magnesium from reacting with the oxygen and moisture present in the air. Noble gases are chemically inert, so they help to maintain a stable environment for the magnesium to efficiently produce light when ignited.