Yes.Her middle name is 'Bonham'
Helena's surname is 'Bonham Carter' or 'Bonham-Carter'. To my knowledge, she has never confirmed nor denied having a middle same so it is possible she has one, but we don't know what it is. Both of her brothers have middle names.
Jimmy is a common nickname for people called James. It's quite possible that James Earl Carter signed in as 'Jimmy Carter' to avoid being associated with James Earl Ray, the man who assassinated Martin Luther King.
HI MY NAME IS CARTER BUT i know who you are speaking of. The answer is 'NO' he is realated to Lynden McCarrroll though
Half Tree Hollow.
Her fathers surname is Bonham Carter, and her mother's surname is Propper De Calejón. It is also unknown as to whether she has a middle name.
The girl who plays Bellatrix Black is Helena Bonham Carter
Tim Burton's wife's last name is carter because Helena Bonham Carter did not want to change her last name to Burton.
Bellatrix Lestrange's maiden name is Black. If you are talking about who potrayed her in the movies, her name is Helena Bonham Carter.
Tim Burton was only married once and then divorced her. Her name was Lena Gieseke and they were married in 1990, the marriage only lasting for two years. He then dated Lisa Marie and after that, Helena. He and Helena are still together but are not married.
Burton's son's name is Billy Ray, his daughter is called Nell.
In the 2007 remake, Helena Bonham Carter plays Mrs. Lovett who also plays Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter. Helena Bonham Carter plays her, check out and search for her. She's actually the most amazing actress ever :)
Helena Carter's birth name is Rickerts, Helen.
No, Helena Bonham Carter is not related to John Bonham, the former drummer of Led Zeppelin. Helena Bonham Carter is a British actress known for her diverse roles in film and television, while John Bonham was a renowned musician in the rock band Led Zeppelin. Their shared last name is purely coincidental and they do not have any familial relationship.
I assume you mean Tim Burton. So his wife's name is Helena Bonham Carter and she's the mother of Nell Burton and Billy Ray Burton
Bellatrix's real name is Helena Bonham Carter. She is a British actress known for portraying Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter film series.
Helena Bonham Carter went to South Hampstead High School