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Yahya Fahd

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Q: Does CERN really have a glass cathedral as mentioned in the novel Angels and Demons?
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Which book should you read first angels vs demons or The Da Vinci Code?

doesn't really matter. But the book is the prequel so..... yah, read the "Angels and Demons" book first.

Why do fallen angels possess people?

Another answer from our community:They pose as people to bring people to Satan(the devil)

Is the story of the 'Angels and Demons' written by Dan Brown really true Does CERN really exist?

The story in "Angels and Demons" is a work of fiction written by Dan Brown. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is a real organization located in Switzerland that conducts particle physics research, including the famous Large Hadron Collider (LHC). However, the events portrayed in the book are fictional and not based on real occurrences at CERN.

Are demons in England?

Yes demons are all around the world. Really?

Can demons really get inside you?

If you eat them they can get inside you

Can dogs get demons?

well it really depends on what YOU believe

Why is salt believed to repel demons and what are the origins of that belief?

Salt is believed to repel demons due to its perceived purifying and protective properties in various cultures and belief systems. In Christianity, salt is seen as a symbol of purity and incorruptibility. The belief likely originated from ancient rituals and traditions where salt was used to ward off evil spirits and negativity.

Are there really demons that cause paranormal activity?

It is a fiction movie.

What is the opposite of God?

In a religious way, Satan, or Lucifer. I would have to say the opposite of god would be the devil, Satan. (some people usually put the devil and angels together, as opposites, but really it should be demons and angels) Of course, the spelling opposite is dog.

How will you know a ghost is there?

things will move. go on to ghost videos .com and watch the thrilling shows demons ,angels, ghost,faeries and strange things that don't even exist.but do not watch the one called GHOST ATTACKS GIRL.THAT'S REALLY SCARY.

Are immortals really exist?

No. Every person is dead, dies, or will die, and their souls either go to Heaven or Hell. This depends on if you have accepted Christ or not. But, actually, demons exist and they are immortal until God casts them down into Hell. And, angels exist and do not die.

In Hinduism is devil a belief?

Not really. Hindus believe in rakshasas, or demons.