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Prepared food is taxed. (Fast food, restaurants and a hot dog from a convenience store.) Ingredients of meals are not taxed.(raw meat, sugar, raw or canned vegetables.) While no one likes taxes, virtually all places that have a sales tax, while they may not tax food as a special exemption, do tax sales of just about any tangible personal property or service, which includes meals. When exactly food becomes a meal is sometimes weird (for example, in many places, a pre-made sandwich at in a supermarket is food, but the exact same one made custom is a meal. One roll is a meal, but 6 or more is food, etc.). Clearly, something like fast food (or a restaurant dinner) is a meal and subject to the tax - again, almost everywhere.

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Q: Do you pay sales tax on food in Florida?
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State Sales Tax Rates for Soft Drinks and Chips/Pretzels, 2011View 50-State ComparisonFL %US %General Food Tax0.00%NAAdditional Sales Tax for Soft Drinks6.00%1NAAdditional Sales Tax for Chips/Pretzels6.00%2NA

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you pay the tax of the state that you bought it in

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You should not have to pay sales taxes in Florida if it was a gift. Cloud Chaserz

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Pennsylvania doesn't have a 6.5 percent sales tax. It is 6.0. You pay the tax on everything except clothing and food.

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Food items