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Not normally. unless you use it as a heading.

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Q: Do you capitalize the disease rheumatoid arthritis?
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Can tuberculosis cause rheumatoid arthritis?

No Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in its own right and is not a reaction to TB.

Is Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis a disease?


Is there a medical name for rheumatoid arthritis on the lung?

Rheumatoid lung disease, as its name suggests, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Of the 1.3 million Americans who have rheumatoid arthritis, nearly half may have some abnormal lung function. Up to one-fourth develop rheumatoid lung disease.

What is Arthritis pneumonia?

Arthritis pneumonia One of the symptoms associated with rheumatoid Arthritis lung disease.

Is rheumatoid arthritis a bacteria?

No RA is an autoimmune disease.

What disease is best described by chronic pain and swelling in the joints?

Rheumatoid arthritis.

Use rheumatiod arthritis in a sentence?

There is at present no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, which is an Autoimmune disease.

Is rheumatiod arthritis believed to be an autoimmune disease?

There are many forms of arthritis that are Autoimmune diseases Like for example rheumatoid arthritis's. This is a disease where the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks tissue in joints and other organs and part of the body. However this is not the case in all forms of arthritis For example osteoarthritis is a disease where joints are effected by wear tear and trauma and not as a result of inflammation caused by the immune system.

What are biological factors of rheumatoid arthritis?

RA is autoimmune disease.

What disease did Renoir have?

In his later years he was crippled by rheumatoid arthritis.

Is rheumatoid arthritis a disease?

Yes Rheumatoid arthritis is a autoimmune disease that is the result of the immune system rejecting healthy connective tissue in the joints of the body as well as other organs and tissue.

Do the have a injection for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

There is no definitive injection for Rheumatoid arthritis. There are certain drugs that are used in the treatment of the symptoms of RA such as the disease modifying drug methotrxate.