yes, Scorpions do eat snails. They also eat insects, Spiders, and small vertebrates, two more things they eat are termites and lizards.
Baby garter snakes will eat small earthworms and live fish or tadpoles.
Yes a Largemouth Bass will eat a garter snake if starving 2 death but normally garter snakes eat bass
they eat ants and other insects such as beetles.
Garter snakes eat other snakes. If the other snake is small enough for the garter snake to fit into its mouth, it will eat it. You should not put two different snakes together in any case - reptiles are not social animals, and do not enjoy being in the same cage with each other.
amozon ground snakes eat them
Snails, slugs, and earthworms
Yes. Many humans eat snakes (rattlesnakes) and snails (escargot).
Brown snakes feed largely on earthworms, snails, and slugs, but will also eat small salamanders, soft-bodied grubs, and beetles. They have specialized teeth and jaws that allow them to pull snails out of their shells and eat them.
No, French people don't eat snakes. They would balk at the idea.
Fish, birds, and garter snakes eat leeches. Snails eat leech eggs
they will eat any small creatures. This includes fish, mice, frogs and water snakes.
Some animals that eat snails include birds, frogs, toads, snakes, and some species of insects like beetles. These animals are known to prey on snails as part of their diet.
Yes, some snails do eat seaweed. However, depending on the species of the snail, some also eat moss as their daily meal.
snails eat veggies
Apple Snails will eat other snails if you don't feed them. If you feed them, then they are alright.
Jews who eat kosher will not eat snails since snails are not kosher. However, not all Jews eat according to the laws of kashrut, so some Jews do eat snails.