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The photosynthesis process that occurs at night is called the light-independent reaction, or the calvin cycle. It is a process that utilizes the materials created in the light dependent reaction, ( the process that requires light) and CO2 to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.

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In the day! Because photosynthesis occurs more in the day than in the night. And photosynthesis puts CO2 into plants. :)

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Q: Do plants absorb more carbon dioxide at day or night?
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Where does a plant get the carbon dioxide it needs for the dark reactions of photosynthesis?

From the air around it. During the day, plants absorb oxygen from the air. At night - they absorb carbon dioxide.

When do plants use carbon dioxide night or day?

Plants use carbon dioxide in the daytime as part of photosynthesis which occurs in the chloroplast. They use the CO2 and make sugars. People breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide, plants do the opposite. They breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen.One small "technical" detail that should be mentioned. Plants really don't breath, they respire. People breath.So, at the night, the plant cells respire more than they photosynthesise, so they get rid of more carbon dioxide than oxygen.

When Green Plants Give Out Carbon Dioxide?

Green plants give out carbon dioxide during cellular respiration, a process where they break down glucose to release energy. This occurs primarily at night when photosynthesis is not taking place. However, overall, green plants absorb more carbon dioxide during photosynthesis than they release during respiration.

Why do plants give out carbon dioxide in the dark and oxygen in the light and can this reduce oxygen in the bedroom at night?

Plants release carbon dioxide during respiration, which occurs both day and night. In the presence of sunlight, plants undergo photosynthesis, where they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The amount of oxygen released during photosynthesis is usually more than the carbon dioxide released during respiration, so there should not be a significant reduction in oxygen levels in a bedroom at night due to plants.

Where does a plant get the carbon dioxide that it needs for a dark reaction of photosynthesis?

Plants get the carbon dioxide they need for the dark reaction of photosynthesis from the surrounding air. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through tiny pores called stomata. Once inside the leaf, carbon dioxide is used in the Calvin cycle to produce sugars and other organic compounds.

What role did plants play in the oxygen cycle?

plants use a prosses of photosynthesis this means that the plants take in carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, that is why protecting the plants and envirment is so important. without plants the eath would be full of cabon dioxide making it impossible to live

What is the name of dutch scientist who first discovered that in day time plants take carbon dioxide and release oxygen while at the night plants take oxygen and release carbon dioxide?

Jan Ingenhousz dutch born british scientist is know for his discovery of photosynthesis by which plants in sunlight absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

What gas do plants make at night?

Plants continue to create Carbon Dioxide at Night.

What gas do plants make at-night?

Plants continue to create Carbon Dioxide at Night.

Do plants release carbon dioxide at night?

Yes, plants do release a small amount of carbon dioxide at night through a process called respiration. However, during the day, plants undergo photosynthesis and absorb more carbon dioxide than they release.

When is carbon dioxide obsorbed day or night Why?

Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants during the day through the process of photosynthesis. This is because plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into sugars for growth and energy production. At night, plants respire and release some carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.