monks don't but i don't know about nuns That answer is wrong to a degree. Monks as well as sisters, are allowed to see their families. God wouldn't ask us to shun our families. Certain vows that monks take will limit their time with their families.
Yes! Since silence is strictly observed during the day for nuns, they usually have an hour to recreate. Usually in the warmer months, this means gardening together. In the winter, they often do arts and crafts! The book called A Right to be Merry, by Mother Mary Francis, describes some of the activities enjoyed in cloistered life.
No. The 'Lord's Supper' or Commnion is purely a Christian phenomenon.Answer:Some do... There are Christian Buddhists. I know, seems like an oxymoron!! However, if you ask a Buddhist that practices only Buddhism what religion they are they will not say Buddhism. Buddhism, to the Buddhist is not a religion, but a way of life. Buddhists do not worship deities. They accept all religions as well. Therefore one can be a Buddhist and a Christian. So when you as "Do Buddhists incorporate the lords supper into their ceremonies" you can have several answers by several Buddhists who practice different religions as well as the way of Buddhism.Further information which may be usefulMany Tantric Buddhists have a practice known as the ganacakra (in Sanskrit) or tsog (in Tibetan) feast ceremony, in which eating and drinking are practised as part of a sacred ceremony of drawing closer to their Guru. These ceremonies have a similarity to the Christian Eucharist (Holy Communion), and are most heartfelt practices.Further information about Buddhists and religion: Some Buddhists, even monks or nuns, may say they are religious as Buddhists, and that Buddhism is their religion. However, it still stands that a Buddhist can adopt any religion he or she wishes, in addition to being a Buddhist, whether you consider it a philosophy or religion. Any religion a Buddhist adopts must be considered a peaceful one.
Soeur Sourire ( Sister smile) was the lead singer of the popular song Dominique- the other sisters were probably contractually forbidden to give their real names as they were members of a religious order ( probably Dominicans) and the religious orders frown on actual show business. Sr.Sourire"s real name was Jeaninine or Janine) Deckers. she never took final vows and left the convent.
Which type of quilling are you asking about? There are 2 types. One is paper quilling (also known as paper filigree) and is an art form that uses paper strips. The other is Native American quilling which is an art from using the quills from a porcupine to decorate clothing and objects. Paper Quilling is believed to be discovered by nuns during the 1500's to replicate expensive metal filigree. They used stirp cut from gilded books and coild then on quills from geese or ducks hence the name quilling. It has experienced many re-births and presently is being used all over the world. Quilling now has several professional guilds and is recognized as an art form rather then a craft by those who appreciate the skill and beauty of quilling. If you want to learn about quilling, there are tons of online resources and many online quilling groups. Use your search engine to find them. I'm afraid I know little about the history of Native American Quilling. Hopefully someone else can answer this.
2 letter words starting with N: Na, Ne, NJ, nm, no, nu, NY 3 letter words starting with N: nab, nae, nag, Nan, nap, nay, Neb, nee, net, new, nib, nil, nip, nit, nix, nob, nod, non, nor, nos, not, now, nth, nub, nun, nut 4 letter words starting with N: nabs, nags, naif, nail, name, nape, naps, narc, nary, natl, nave, navy, nays, neap, near, neat, neck, need, neon, nerd, nest, nets, news, newt, next, nibs, nice, nick, nine, node, nods, noel, noes, none, nook, noon, nose, nosh, note, nowt, nubs, nude, nuke, null, numb, nuns 19 letter word starting with N: nonrepresentational 20 letter word starting with N: Neurophysiologically
Monks and nuns do the monks' and nuns' jobs now.
You just call Monks Monks and Nuns Nuns. They don't have any other names.
Monks - monastery. Nuns - convent.
Yes, there are Buddhist nuns as well as monks. They're known as Bhikkhuni.
Monks and nuns spread Byzantine influence through their missionary work.
First off Buddhists include both lay people and Monks and Nuns. It is very similar to the Catholic Church in that manner. Buddhists Monks and Nuns dedicated their life to attaining enlightenment and service to others whereas lay people have jobs and families while practicing Buddhism. Therefore, when it comes to lay Buddhists, we were whatever we want as appropriate to the situation (work versus play, etc). Monks and Nuns typically wear robes.
monasteries- the dwelling place of a community of monks
Tibetan monks do not marry. Tibetans lamas (priests) fall under 2 categories, monks (celibate) and yogis (not necessarily celibate). The vast majority of Gelugpa Lamas are monks who are celibate.
Generally speaking, monks and nuns lived in monasteries or convents, and did very much the same sorts of things other people did in terms of raising food, cleaning, cooking, and so on. They did not have families, but spent their time in prayer and devotion instead. Many monks and nuns worked at specialized jobs, and there was a wide range of these from tending the sick and making medicine, to making cheese or wine, copying books, singing in choirs, educating people, and providing inns for pilgrims and other travelers, protecting travelers on the road, and even fighting wars. There are links below.