I'm pretty sure you are talking about Gene Kelly. He was in the movie musical Singin' in the Rain. He was a tap dancer, but he also did other various forms of dance. His famous dance partner was Ginger Rogers. (:
Elaine Stewart ... Lady-in-Waiting (uncredited)
The rain maker cannot overpower the god's will. If it is very dry, even the rain maker be unable to bring rain. If it is raining very hard, even the rain maker may be powerless to stop it.
The rain is an angry force is an example of a metaphor.
The rain dragon is shenlong
Gene Kelly,
Gene Kelly sings: I'm Singing in the Rain, in the 1952 movie: Singing in the Rain.
it was from a movie called singing in the rain, it was sung by Gene Kelly
Gene Kelly and Darla Buttress
Singin' In the Rain had two directors. They were Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly.
I think it is Don Lockwood?
I believe, it was singing in the rain
eugene curran kelly also known as gene kelly
The song "Singing in the Rain" was first recorded by Ciara Joan Brown in 1927. Many other artists have been singing the song since, including Gene Kelly and John Martyn.
Gene Kelly was a famous tap dancer. He starred in many movies, including On the Town, with Frank Sinatra, Singing in the Rain, with Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds, and An American in Paris. You can find out more about him by clicking on People, clicking on Famous Actors, clicking the letter of his last name, and scrolling through the pages till you come to the name Gene Kelly. It will be listed Kelly, Gene. Gene Kelly was a famous tap dancer. He starred in many movies, including On the Town, with Frank Sinatra, Singing in the Rain, with Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds, and An American in Paris. You can find out more about him by clicking on People, clicking on Famous Actors, clicking the letter of his last name, and scrolling through the pages till you come to the name Gene Kelly. It will be listed Kelly, Gene. Gene Kelly was a famous tap dancer. He starred in many movies, including On the Town, with Frank Sinatra, Singing in the Rain, with Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds, and An American in Paris. You can find out more about him by clicking on People, clicking on Famous Actors, clicking the letter of his last name, and scrolling through the pages till you come to the name Gene Kelly. It will be listed Kelly, Gene. Gene Kelly is mostly known for tap dancing and for being in the movie "Singing in the Rain", That's it ...
Gene Kelly sings "Gotta Dance" in Singing in the Rain as a segway into a medley of 42nd Streets "Lullaby of Broadway"
Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor, and Gene Kelly are singing from the 1952 movie "Singing in the Rain." A classic movie which deserves better than an orange juice commercial.