It all depends on which strand of the legends you are reading. In many of the more modern tales, Mordred is his illegitimate son from a relationship he had with his own half-sister.
Another son given to Arthur in various tales is named Lohot, sometimes identified as the son of Arthur and Guenevere, sometimes as an illegitimate son of Arthur by a woman named Lionors. Sir Thomas Malory calls him Borre and Bohart in his Le Morte d'Arthur and name his mother as Lisanor.
Then there is Arthur the Little who is an illegitimate son of King Arthur in the Post-Vulgate Arthurian Cycle.
There is Illinot who is an illegitimate son of Arthur in Wolfram von Eschanbach's Parzival.
Welsh tradition supplies Llacheu, who is possibly identical to Lohot, Gwydre, and Amhar/Amir whom Arthur is said to have slain.
According to the Irish tale of Melora and Orlando, Melora was King Arthur's daughter. The Icelandic Thiðrekssaga gives King Arthur a daughter named Hilde.
Some traditional medieval genealogies trace the highland clans of MacArthur and Campbell to a certain Smervie who is said to the son to King Arthur.
And a few other sons or daughters of Arthur are mentioned in later texts and invented by modern authors.
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According to the medieval German poem Lanzelet by Eilhart von Zatzikhoven and the French prose romance PerlesvausArthur's son Lohot had Guenevere as his mother.
According to the Lanzelet Lohot rode away with his father to Avalon at the end of his reign.
According to the Perlesvaus Lohot was treacherously slain by Kay the Seneschal. But his head was recovered and magically proved that Kay was guilty. Whereupon the head was placed in a crypt reserved for Arthur in a church in the Island of Avalon, here obviously identified with Glastonbury. Guenevere died of sorrow for Lohot's death and her body was also laid there. Whereupon Madeglant, a cousin of Guenevere, demanded that the Round Table, which was Guenevere's dowry, be given to him, as Guenivere has no surviving children to whom it could pass, and Madeglant demanded that either Arthur must marry his sister Jandree or give up the table. Arthur refused to marry Jandree and refused to give up the table and eventually defeated Madeglant in war.
In the early 13th century Prose Lancelot Lohot is said to be Arthur's son by someone named Lisanor, an illegitimate son begotten before Arthur had married Guenevere. Lohot is last seen in this story as one of the knights imprisoned in the Dolorous Tower and is said to be mortally sick. Since Lohot is never mentioned again, one may take it that he died there.
In the Vulgate Merlin story (and in Malory where Lohot is called "Bohart" and "Borre") we have the story again that he was Arthur's illegitimate son by Lisanor. But here it is said that he will be eventually slain by Kay during the Quest of the Grail.
Other sons of Arthur appear sometimes, but the either explicitly do not have Guenevere as their mother (Modret, Arthur the Little) or it is not indicated whether she is their mother or not (Anir/Amhar, Gwydre, Ilinot).
Yes, he had at least four sons: Amr, killed by his father by unkown reasons, Llechue a intelligent and good fighter, Gwydre who was killed by a boar and Duran.
Some guess that all four buys were born from separate mothers (one being Guinevere) or just simply just say they were his and Guinevere's sons.
The fifth son was Mordred. It was implied that Mordred was his son by Arthur's half-sister, Morgawse, wife of King Lot.
It depends on which strand of legend you're going off of. The oldest tales, told in the Welsh traditions, say that he has five sons. One is Kyduan, who is the product of an affair, the other four are Amr, Gwydre, Llacheu and Duran. Their mothers are not named, so it can be assumed they are the sons of Guinevere.
In the more popular version by Geoffrey of Monmouth, he has no children by Guinevere. He has two sons, Sir Mordred, son of him and his half-sister, Morgause( he didn't know who she was), and Sir Loholt, who is the child of a pre-marital relationship with Lady Lisanor.
So, there is no definitive answer, it depends upon the version
yes, he had a son named Mordred with his (i think) stepsister, Morgan le Fay
**No. Morgan was not his stepsister. And Morgan was not the mother of Mordred. That's a modern misconception thanks to modern fiction works like "Mists of Avalon". According to the Morte d'Arthur, Arthur had three half-sisters, daughters of his mother Igraine by Gorlois her first husband. Arthur's half-sisters are: Morgause, Morgan le Fay and Elaine. Not long after Arthur becomes king and before he learns his mother's identity, Morgause visits Arthur's court in Carlion. He's a lusty young lad. Sees a beautiful woman and Sha-Wing! He takes Morgause to bed and Modred is conceived. It's only later they learn that they are actually half-siblings. I wrote a story about that event called a "Passing Fair Lady".
in modern language, Guinevere means Jennifer.
In later legends, Queen Guinevere had no children because she had a adulterous and sinful relationship with Lancelot but in earlier legends she is said to have a son named Loholt but there is no record of his life. In other legends she is said to have agreed to become Mordred's consort while Arthur is away and having bore him two sons who's names are not mentioned in text!
Guinevere was just Lady Morgana's maid when Uther was at the throne. Guinevere soon became close to Prince Arthur and when Arthur became King he choose Guinevere to be his Queen.
king arther was married to Guinevere and she was cheating on him with Lancelot.
Sir Lancelot and King Arthur.
Guinevere Turner's birth name is Guinevere Jane Turner.
Guinevere Kauffmann was born in 1968.
Guinevere Turner is 5' 2".
in modern language, Guinevere means Jennifer.
Guinevere Turner goes by Guin.
describe Guinevere
It is said that Owestry was the Birthplace of Guinevere. you can do the reaserch if u wish could you find out when guinevere was please and could you be fast
Guinevere Turner was born on May 23, 1968.
The Light in Guinevere's Garden was created in 2001.
Guinevere Jones ended on 2002-12-07.
Guinevere Jones was created on 2002-05-04.
Guinevere Turner was born on May 23, 1968.