a chocolate bar that begins with g is a goodbar. goodbar is a name of a chocolate bar
A chocolate bar beginning with the letter J would be Jivara Lait.
Dark Chocolate
Look candy bars are a chocolate bar. They begin with the letter L.
Obama Osama Jake jefferey gill, type that name into the search bar!
There are U-No's that are a type of candy. I had to look this up for a science project. U-No candy bars can be purchased online from a site called Old Time Candy (www.oldtimecandy.com). They also sell Unicorn Pops candy.
A chocolate bar beginning with the letter J would be Jivara Lait.
Oh Henry is a chocolate covered candy bar. Old Faithful is the name of a candy bar covered with chocolate and peanuts.
Zaabรคr is a brand of chocolate that starts with the letter "Z".
U-No Bar is a chocolate covered candy bar that tastes like chocolate truffle.
Almond Joy is a milk chocolate covered candy bar. It is manufactured by Hershey's.
· U-No Candy Bar (taste like chocolate truffle)
Twix is a chocolate candy bar manufactured by Mars. It is a shortcake biscuit covered with caramel and chocolate.
AERO CHOCOLATE BAR!!! It's like super famous.
Nestle Crunch Bar is a candy. It is made with milk chocolate.
· U-No
Valomilk is a candy. It has a creamy marshmallow center covered with milk chocolate.