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Of course you can but it depends on the shaft type if it'll stick or not. If it's a plexi-glass harrow stick then yes it will but if it's a metal warrior stick then It might get washed away next time it rains, so pick your paints carefully to select a few that are water-proof. Also, why not just get a colored shaft?

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

ya go crazy, as far as i know there is no regulation about painting or otherwise coloring the head of a Lacrosse stick

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โˆ™ 14y ago

you basically scratch it off depending on what spray paint you use if you use a special spray paint to stick it may not come off!

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Yes if your going to paint the whole thing. But I would get rit dye from a local food store

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โˆ™ 11y ago

No, hairspray is NOT paint.

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Q: Can you spray paint a lacrosse shaft?
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Paint it with enamel spray paint, ya big ol' dummy!He said can you "dye it" not "can you paint it!"NO. You can't dye it.

Where can you find a cheap 6 foot lacrosse shaft?

STX AL6000 Attack Lacrosse Shaft price: $14.95

If you spraypaint your lacrosse stick shaft will it make it heavy?

It will make it slightly heaver but not much. The paint chip off giving/taking checks from people

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The maverick phoenix is the better shaft it has the hights strength to weight ratio and has an amazing grip

What is a shaft in lacrosse?

The shaft in lacrosse is the stick part. The butt is the rubber stopper on the end of the stick. The head is the plastic part which has the pocket. The shaft is the part of the stick where you hold it.

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You can use a hack saw to trim a lacrosse stick

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composite means the use of different materials. a lacrosse shaft can be a composite of many materials such wood and carbon fiber.

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Can you use a talon shaft which is a wooden lacrosse shaft in boy's high school lacrosse?

Well maybe. Defense:no Attack:yes Middie:I wouldn't recommend it,