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Generally, if the felony is at least five years old and is non-violent in nature and does not involve drugs -- usage or distribution -- then you can. But each apartment complex has its own rules regarding this. Public housing and the section 8 program have their own rules regarding this, and which are much stricter than those of low income apartment complexes.

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Q: Can you rent a low income housing with a felony?
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How is the rent based with low income housing?

There are several different forms of low income housing, which often operate independently and differently from one another. With subsidized low income housing through the government, tenants are charged approximately 30% of their income to pay for rent, and the government pays any further housing expenses.

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Contacting the local housing authority in Atlanta can provide you with a list of low income houses for rent.

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Where can one rent houses in Houston for low income?

To rent houses in Houston for low income you can go to the Houston Housing Corporation or the United Way and speak to someone in the subsidized housing department for help.

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The plan for better city low income housing, in the 1950s, was to build large housing complexes. The large housing complexes offered low rent for its occupants.

What company out there offers a program for low income housing?

There is a low income housing program called Section 8. There is usually a long waiting list but it is worth the wait to get really low rent.

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Section 8 or low income apartments?

It all depends on what you can afford. Typically the low income apartments take section 8 so they are just about the same. Section 8 will assist you in paying your rent whereas low income housing will just have lower priced rent.

Is rent for some apartments based on income?

Depending on participants, some rentors put out a rent based on income for people. This is called low income housing agreements. It doesnt sound glamorous but rent is based on salary/wage, not lump.

Can I get housing with rent based on income?

I found a great website that will definitely answer your question! The website is called [ ] Explore the whole site and there is a section that talks about if people qualify for low income housing.

How can you find out if you qualify for low income housing?

A good way to find out if you qualify for low-rent housing is to go to your local state website to view the requirements.Be warned that some people who do qualify and live in low-income housing are sometimes classless and the quality of life can be poor

Where can I rent a house for people with low incomes?

You could get housing benefit if you have a low income and receive other benefits and live in the UK. How much you get depends on how much money you pay for your rent.