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The only way to delete data is to go to the license settings screen and press delete license.

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Q: Can you delete your time trial data on Mario Kart Wii?
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Easy, get an expert staff ghost data on all courses in time trial mode.

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To delete the acount

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You have to get within a certain time of the staff data.

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if u mean restart as in delete every thing first u go to wii options then press on settins the go to the right till the end it should say format system and that's the button to restart all of ur memory ect.

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How do you erase Mario Kart for Nintendo ds?

If you want to delete all your saved data, press "Options" on the bottom-right corner of the main menu. Go down to "Erase Data." Also, if you turn off your DS when data is being erased, some data will be deleted but some will not!

How do you delete data on Mario Kart 7?

Go on their profile and go to the top license Settings and go to erase profile!

How do you unlock expert staff data on mario kart wii?

You have to beat the first ghost's time

How do you unlock expert staff ghost data in Mario kart DS?

ha ha loser

How you get espert staf data on Mario kart wii?

beat reg. staff ghost by a lot

How are Mario Kart Wii ghost data time trials ranked?

Ghost data is ranked by the shortest time through the course.

Why does every course have only 1 ghost data on Mario Kart for the Wii?

nobody knows you idiot