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Usually no. Shellac has wax in it, and you use linseed oil when applying a French polish. If you painted that, the paint would peel off. If you want to paint a French-polished piece, you need to remove the polish first. Alcohol would be your best bet.

if you add the polish over the french polish it will ruin the french polish. i have tried it before. << Actually, I think the questioner's trying to turn the item from a French-polished piece to a painted one. If he does that without stripping the item, it'll ruin both the French polish (which is notoriously delicate) and the paint. But yes, you're absolutely right it will ruin the French polish--looking at French polish crosswise ruins French polish, so what else is new?

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Traditional french polish is shellac. Shellac is compatible with almost any top-coat.

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Q: Can varnish be applied over french polish?
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Stains are meant to penetrate the pores of the wood. The varnish seals the pores of the wood. Stain applied afterword just does not work well.

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Glaze gives depth and glossiness to a painting. It is a clear, thin layer of varnish applied over the painting itself.

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Yes. A varnish made with one pound of sulphur boiled for half an hour in an iron vessel is a perfect. It should be applied with a brush, while warm.

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Varnish is used to protect and enhance the appearance of wood surfaces by providing a durable and glossy finish. Lacquer is a protective coating that dries quickly, providing a hard and durable finish that is resistant to water and chemicals. Both varnish and lacquer can also enhance the color and grain of the wood they are applied to.

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Cavity varnish is typically placed over calcium hydroxide when used together in a dental restoration. The calcium hydroxide acts as a base or liner to protect the tooth's pulp, while the cavity varnish is applied on top to seal the restoration and provide additional protection against bacteria and microleakage.

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Paint can be applied over varnish, but it needs to be a compatible type of paint for the type of varnish, and the surface needs to be prepared by removing loose material, dirt and sanding. If it is not a compatible paint the surface needs to be etch primed. Contact a local paint supplier for advice.

How can you get nail varnish off without using nail varnish remover?

Well, I think you mean by getting nail varnish off your nail. there are some various steps run the nail under a warm tap and as your nail gets 'used' to the water, gentally try and scratch it with another nail from the other hand. Although, this could be very tiring and uses quite a bit of time, it does work.

How do you do French nails?

It's nail polish specially for french manicure, which is a manicure designed to resemble our natural nails. Hence, french nail polish consists of nudes, white, and clear polish. The consistency of the polish is also more sheer compared to regular polish.

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Nail varnish was invented in the year 0, when cocks were cumming all over the world.

If you've already applied one coat of spar urethane over stained wood can you still put another coat of stain if you want it to be darker?

No. Once you have varnish over the wood, stain will not penetrate. You can get colored varnish and try to darken it that way. I would get a lighter shade than what you want. All the varnish stains are put on white pine to get the samples. Since the wood is already stained, putting the color you want on now would cause it to be too dark.

Can you use gloss spar varnish over oil base stain?

Yes, but why waste the varnish. - (it is meant for bare wood )

How do you prevent letters from rubbing off on laptop keyboard?

You can paint over the letters with a clear nail varnish, just make sure you don't get nail varnish all over your keyboard.