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No. And neither do adult ones. And neither do toads. Warts are caused by viruses spread primarily person to person, through physical contact and exposure to common facilities like showers and bathtubs.

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13y ago

Absolutely not ! However - it's always a good idea to wash your hands after handling, as reptiles carry salmonella bacteria.

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Not necessarily.

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Q: Can turtles give you warts
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Can turtles give you warts if you don't hold them all the time?

If the turtle is infected with warts and you touch it frequently, the warts can spread, but if you DON'T touch it, than no. Warts are spread by touch.

Can baby turtles give you warts?

That is not likely. The virus that causes warts in humans is not carried by turtles. What a baby turtle can give you is a bad case of food poisoning if you don't wash your hands after handling it. Turtles and birds carry salmonella bacteria. Read what the FDA has to say about it at the link below.

Do turtles have warts?


Do slugs give you warts?

Snails do not give you warts.

Do toes give you warts?

no your toes will not give you warts

Do toads give warts?


Can a female with HPV give a male genital warts?

Yes women with HPV give men genital warts.

Do snails give humans warts?

No Warts are caused by a virus. A human virus.

How long does it take before frogs give you warts?

That is a myth. Frogs and Toads DO NOT give you warts if you touch them. Warts are caused by a virus that is transmitted from one person to another NOT by frogs.

Can toads give other toads warts?

Toads do not have warts so they can't give it to another Toad so the answer would be No.

How do you know that frogs DO NOT give you warts?

Because warts are caused by a virus that frogs don't get.

Can slugs give warts?

no or yes