

Best Answer

Yes!! They definitely can! Do not drink too much of them they are so bad for you

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Q: Can energy drinks cause heartburn
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Could club soda cause heartburn?

Sodas are among the worst drinks to cause heartburn. Any carbonated drink has a lot of acid in it, and that makes your stomach acid churn up and create heartburn. A better choice of drink for a person who suffers from heartburn is plain water or unsweetened tea or coffee (although coffee can also cause heartburn because it has so much caffeine in it).

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Where do I need to go to find out more about heartburn food?

Foods that typically cause heartburn include spicy things or foods made with pepper, onions, or garlic. Also tomato products can make heartburn worse in some people. Eating late at night should be avoided. Caffeine and carbonated drinks can cause heartburn also.

Are there certain foods that cause heartburn?

Coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and citrus fruits and juices such as lemon, limes, and tomato juice. And try to stay away from caffeinated drinks.

Can too many energy drinks cause a false positive for pcp?

To the best of my knowledge, energy drinks cannot cause false positives for PCP.

What should I include in my diet that can help control heartburn or stop it from starting?

Heartburn is usually caused by a build up of acid in your stomach and/or esophagus. Acid reflux disease GERD is a common cause of heartburn. If your having regular episodes of heartburn then contact your doctor for some medication to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. Also certain types of food & drinks can cause heart burn. For example coca cola, coffee, alcohol & curries can cause heartburn or worsening of symptoms. Heartburn can also be a symptom of a stomach ulcer.

Does zicam cause heartburn?

For some people it will cause heartburn

Can energy drinks cause kidney stones?

i do believe energy drinks do cause gallstones.

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Why does pregnancy cause heartburn?

The changes of your body may cause heartburn

Does heartburn cause heart attacks?

There are no medical studies that show that hypertension can cause heartburn. However, many high blood pressure medications can cause heartburn.