

Best Answer

if you can read voltage in the water of a radiator , then there is a problem and the water needs to be drained and flushed and new antifreeze installed . if you are using full strength antifreeze, it must be mixed 50/50 with distilled water only. never use tap water in a radiator ! Thanks Jim T

Another viewThere is a specific problem that can be checked with a volt meter, I do this every major service (spring and fall)

I check coolant voltage with engine running to engine block and chassis.

If you read more than the error level for the meter you have a ground problem and this is grounding through the cooling system and will damage the cooling system. Most likely the radiator

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Q: Can coolant be checked with a volt meter?
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Voltage drops need to be checked with a volt meter. Depending on where the drop is thought to be, the meter can be connected an wiring plugs to find where the drop is.

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No. A volt-ohmmeter will not check insulation. To check cable insulation you need a special device (called a megger) made for the purpose that imposes a high voltage and measures current leaks.

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The volt.

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The charging system could be checked at the battery using a volt meter ,place the red lead on the positive terminal the black on the negative ,then set the scale to at least 20 volt scale then start the jeep and read the meter over 12.8 volts is okay 15 volts is to high.

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Volt meter is connected in what.?


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It depends on what you want to monitor. Most commonly the volt meter is connected in parallel with the battery or the alternator.

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Purchase, borrow, or have someone with a volt meter or multimeter check it for you. If you don't know what a volt meter or multi meter is, have an electrician check it for you.

How many voltmeter and ammeter are in dc watt meter?

There is no volt meter or amp meter in a DC watt meter.