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forget what the scientists say gamma rays depending on energy can be extremely hot for example a gamma ray burst at a distance of 300 light years can vaporize a planet and those gamma rays probably have temperatures well up into the the trillions if not quadrillions of degrees. So yes a high concentration of gamma rays will vaporize a human, but not just that they will vaporize whatever is surrounding and in front of it. For instance if gamma rays hit the top of the earth's atmosphere and there energy is transferred to heat those gamma rays will vaporize the ground the water or whatever they happen to hit kind of like billions of megatons of energy

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Q: Can consentration of gamma rays vaporize?
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What is x rays and gamma rays?

Cathode rays generate x-rays and gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays have very high penetration power.

Which has a higher frequency gamma rays or xrays?

Gamma rays have a higher frequency than X-rays. Gamma rays are the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, whereas X-rays have a lower frequency than gamma rays.

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Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths compared to microwaves. This means that microwaves have longer wavelengths than gamma rays.

Are gamma rays neutrons?

No, gamma rays are not neutrons. They are electromagnetic rays or electromagnetic energy.

Does x-rays or gamma rays have lower energy?

X-rays have lower energy than gamma rays. Gamma rays are a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, while x-rays have lower energy and shorter wavelengths than gamma rays.

What are Gamma rays a part of?

Gamma rays are high-energy photons.

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Gamma rays have a higher frequency than X-rays.

What is the difference between infrared ray and gamma rays?

The main difference between gamma rays and infrared rays is in their wavelengths. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths while infrared rays have longer wavelengths. Gamma and infrared rays are types of electromagnetic radiation.