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No, Arthritis can make your life miserable and you have less opportunites to do in life. So eat a lot of Vitamin C or anything orange. Don't gain too much weight or that can be harder for the joints to work. Exercise, but don't lift too much weight or that can crack your joints. Hope this answers your question.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Arthritis itself is a condition that has the common symptoms of joint inflamation, pain, and fatigue. Whilst the condition itself is unlikely to cause death, the medication used to treat it, namely, imunossupressants, may cause death.

This happens because, by suppressing, imunologic response, the person is more vulnerable to certain opportunistic diseases.

The medication can cause leukemia and even sudden death. However, the numbers for these are very low.

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14y ago

No JRA or RA for that mater are not diseases that will kill you. However they can as a result of the drugs used to treat you or infections caused by the damage related with the disease lead to a shortening of life and in some instances death.

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14y ago

Psoriatic arthritis is a painful, inflammatory condition of the joints that can occur occur in association with psoriasis of the skin. Up to 40% of those that have skin psoriasis also have signs of psoriatic arthritis.

Symptoms of this disease come and go, however it is a lifelong condition that may result in severe damage to the joints. Joint deformity as well as changes in X-rays are be found in about 40% of people that have psoriatic arthritis.

People with severe psoriatic arthritis have been reported to have a shorter lifespan than average. and this correlates with the severity of the joint disease.

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12y ago

Arthritis as such will not kill you. However arthritis can lead to other health outcomes that will. that is why it is best to monitor the progress of the disease and the effects of the medicines used to treat it is time progresses.

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15y ago

Arthritis as such is unlikely too kill you, however infections and conditions brought about as a result of arthritis treatment drugs have been known too.

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15y ago

No, but you cannot get around as well if it gets too bad. you may even have to get an arm or a leg removed if it gets too bad. Good luck to the one who has arthritis!

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15y ago

No because it is just a muscle pain and many people have arthiritis

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Q: Can Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis kill you?
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What are some pictures of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

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Which type of arthritis is found in younger patients such as people in their 20s?

Either osteoarthritis gained as a result of trauma in an accident or an inflammatory arthritis which is an autoimmune disease like juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Learning to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.?

Celebrex is an FDA approved treatment for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis for children 2 years of age and above. As long as the medication is taken as prescribed it has been proven to be successful in treating pain associated with JRA.

How does juvenile RA effect the eyes?

Children with juvenile idiopathic (formerly called rheumatoid) arthritis (JIA) can can end up with problems with the eyes, This can be as a result of the disease or these can be caused by the medications taken to treat the disease. For more information relating to this subject go to the related link (How Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Affects the Eyes) below.

What is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

What is juvenile rheumatoid arthritisArthritis that occurs in people under the age of 16 is referred to as juvenile arthritis. "Juvenile arthritis" covers a number of different types of arthritis in children. The most prevalent type is called "juvenile idiopathic arthritis" or JIA, and also called "juvenile rheumatoid arthritis" (JRA) or "juvenile chronic arthritis" (JCA). A child can be struck by this disease at any age from babies onwards. It may present with only mild symptoms or it may start with a severe full blown attack. Many children, while suffering some discomfort and pain from this disease, are able to get on with normal lives. However, for others it can be a very debilitating condition accompanied by pain and limited mobility in everyday activities. As there is still no cure for juvenile arthritis we can only treat the symptoms in an effort to limit pain and damage to joints and other tissue. For some children the symptoms of arthritis may disappear for a time, or the arthritis may even go into remission entirely. Others will continue to have arthritis into their adult years.About 250,000 children are said to have JRA in the USA.Arthritis Arthritis is a very painful chronic illness. I should know, I am a thirteen year old who has had it since the age of eight. It causes joint pains. There is no way to tell if you can outgrow it. It usually stays for the rest of your life.For more information, contact the Arthritis Foundation or visit their website: arthritis.orgAlso here is a article of a older brother's story of what happens when a younger brother gets arthritis: URL moved to discusion section

Related questions

Can you get rheumatoid arthritis as a child?

Yes you can, This is called Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis and even baby's can have serious problems with it.

Is Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis a disease?


How many forms of rheumatoid Arthritis?

There are over a hundred forms of arthritis but there is only one rheumatoid arthritis unless you also count juvenile RA as well.

When did they discover juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS was originaly described by George F. Still in 1897. He described several kinds of arthritis characterized by severe systemic symptoms associated with multiple joint involvement

How can someone make a donation to the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Foundation?

A donation can be made to the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Foundation by visiting the foundation's official website and following the links on the website to make a donation.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis affects what joints?

Juvenile RA can have an effect on any of the joints in the body.

What are some pictures of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

Go to the related link

Which type of arthritis is found in younger patients such as people in their 20s?

Either osteoarthritis gained as a result of trauma in an accident or an inflammatory arthritis which is an autoimmune disease like juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Is it possible for a 13 year old to have arthirits?

Yes it is, there is a form of arthritis called Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is the percentage of people with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

About 250,000 children are said to have JRA in the USA.

Is juvenile rheumatiod arthritis the only arthritis that you can be born with?

Yes, you can actually be born with arthritis. Most of the people born with arthritis are born with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Learning to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.?

Celebrex is an FDA approved treatment for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis for children 2 years of age and above. As long as the medication is taken as prescribed it has been proven to be successful in treating pain associated with JRA.