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Well, Islamic artwork does not contain images, for these are considered idols and are not aloud in the Islamic religion They instead use calligraphy, a form of writing in flowing and fancy lettering.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

They are the 'Five Pillars' of Islam and are as follows.

1. Shadadah Shahadah means to witness, or to testify. In this context, it means testifying that there is no God but Allah, and that the prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. This testification of faith must be said aloud and must also come from the heart i.e. a person who claims to be a Muslim must fully and completely believe that Allah is the Creator of the whole universe that we know, and also what is not known.

2. Salah Salah is the performance of the five daily prayers. A person who fully and unconditionally accepts the shahadah is required to pray five times a day. The five daily prayers are obligatory for every Muslim who has reached the age of 10 years, is sane and conscious. The prophet Muhammad encouraged Muslim men to pray in the mosque in congregation, and he also encouraged women to pray in their homes. However, he did not stop women from praying in the mosques at the same time. 3. Fasting in the month of Ramadan Fasting is prescribed for all Muslims who have reached the age of puberty, are sane and conscious. Fasting is performed from sunrise to sunset everyday during the month of Ramadan, and a fasting person is not permitted to eat, drink, engage in idle talk, backbite, sexual intercourse, argue, or engage in other 'disharmonious' acts.

4. Zakah Zakah is the compulsory tax that is required to be paid by all Muslims on their possessions that are in excess to their normal everyday requirements. As such, tax is to be paid on things such as second houses, or cars, jewellery, extra cash in the bank or elsewhere, and so on. The tax to be paid is 2.5% on these items. The word Zakah mean to purify, and the compulsory tax is seen as a purification of the wealth that is earned by individuals, as this goes towards the poor and needy people, and goes towards fulfilling their necessities, whilst at the same time allowing those with wealth to give from themselves. The 2.5% tax is a minimum, and some Muslims often give more than that required minimum. 5. Hajj Hajj is the once-in-a-lifetime requirement to do pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, where the Ka'bah is situated. Hajj is compulsory for those Muslims who are financially and physically able to perform it. As such, those who are either financially or physically incapable of undertaking this fifth pillar of Islam, are exempt from this obligation

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Many Islamic art pieces feature their language blended into the pattern. In some other cases, Islam artists may feature plants (such as flowers) or things involving their religion.

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Q: Basic rules of Islam
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