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Q: Are there more ants or fish in the world?
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How many ants are on the world?

there are more than 500millon ants on the world but you do step on them every day.

Do fighting fish eat home ants?

Yes, if the ants can actually go into the fish tank.

Are there more ants than ladybugs in the world?

Yes, because some ants live in colonies with up to 1,000,000 (one million) ants.

Is the worlds most endangered animals ants?

Of course not! There are more ants in one colony then as many people in the world! Yes, there are more than 6 billion ants in one colony sometimes. And most importantly, ants aren't animals, they are insects. The Chinese Tiger the most endangered animal in the world, there are only 20 more in the wild.

Do fish eat ants?

A group of army ants would only eat a dead fish on land.

How many ants there in the world?

Actually there are 17,678,577,670 ants in the world.

What will happen if you fish too much?

There will be no more fish in the world

How is fish important to fish?

so they can breed and we can catch, eat, and have more fish in the world

Are bullet ants the same thing as bulldog ants?

No, of course not. Bullet ants are the most poisonous ants in the world and the bull ants *not bulldog* are the most dangerous.

What is all kinds of ants and how many ants are there in the world?


World's most dangerous ants?

in the world there are over 14000 different types of ants and 9876 are deadly

Are humans the most numerous animals on earth?

fish, birds and ants