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There are shops in the Georgia area that perform them, but I will not list them by name. You must understand that the U.S. government steps heavily on the toes of mod artists who do tongue splitting, subdermal and transdermal implants, and in a lot of states even body suspension…which they have insidiously labeled "performing surgery without a license". This is a SERIOUS offense which can lead the artist to receive upwards of a $25,000 fine and prison time if applicable, and in many instances, forces the shop to shut down. So…feel around tactfully, and earn the respect and trust of a reputable mod artist in your area, but do keep in mind that if you just blatantly ask them for this service that they will turn you away in almost all instances.

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Q: Are there any areas around Georgia that does tongue splitting?
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The taste of mint is typically perceived on the front and sides of the tongue. This is because the taste receptors for detecting minty flavors are primarily located in these areas of the tongue.

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Try this first: put your finger in your mouth and touch the inside of your mouth. You are likely to find some areas that are sensitive. These are the areas in your partner's mouth you're going to want to touch with your tongue. And some of those areas may well be on the tip of your partner's tongue!

Where is the sweet spot on your tongue?

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