There is no way of telling how Michelangelo construed the face of Jesus.
This is an interesting question because no one knows the answer. We have no pictures of Jesus. There were no cameras back then. We have to come up with an answer like this. What does a normal Jew look like? He does not look like the lilly white man that is pictured in so many pictures. The average Jew has darker skin. The man usually wore a beard. I think you could look at an average male Jew today who lives in Israel. Dress him up in the clothing that was worn in Biblical times and you could have a man that looked like Jesus.
It may look good when it is lit but really there is no purpose within Christianity.
Nobody really "made" Jesus, per se. It's can be confusing, but I will do my best to explain. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit are all one. I like to compare it to water. There is solid water (ice), liquid water, and snow. These forms of water look different, and yet they are the same. Jesus is God in human form. Jesus was birthed by the virgin Mary. God conceived Jesus in Mary's womb. //The bible tells us that Jesus was not created, He is eternal, no beginning and no end. He says 'Before Abraham, I was.//
Yes. His Last Supper was at the time of year at which Passover is celebrated.
If it's really, really old, you could try the vatican's aquisitions department. Otherwise try your local auction house and then maybe add 25% to what they advise.
There were no pictures of Jesus until centuries after he is believed to have lived. By the time the first pictures were painted, no one really knew what he looked like. Medieval artists portrayed Jesus as Causasian although he must have been Semitic, so most pictures today continue the tradition of portraying Jesus as fair-skinned.
John the Baptist (who was actually a second cousin of Jesus') was beheaded.
she was affected by
No. Jude was the brother of Jesus.
A:Probably because he was not really the cousin of Jesus. It is only in Luke's Gospel that we are told they were related, because John's mother Elizabeth was the cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus. However, Uta Ranke-Heinemann (Putting Away Childish Things) says that Elizabeth was a literary creation by the author of Luke's Gospel. So, on the scholarly view, John and Jesus were not cousins.
Nobody knows what Jesus really looked like because there are no pictures of him. However, he was Jewish, so he probably had a Jewish-looking nose.
his brother john. A: Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, who was His cousin.
One can find 3D pictures of Jesus Christ from the following sources: YouTube, eBay, Only Thru Jesus, Pictures Of Jesus 4 You, Huffington Post, ABC News.
Clip art of Jesus pictures can be found on the Internet. There are many websites that have clip arts of Jesus pictures. Some websites are ShareFaith and PrimaryClipArt.
John the baptist was his cousin. Although there was an other John people think he is the cousin of Jesus but he was not, but he was a deciple.
No the pictures are of Jesus not god in the church.