This is a complex question. All works first published before 1923 by Claude Monet or anyone else are in the public domain in the United States. Since he only lived to 1926, this is most of his works. In most other nations, all his works are now expired because he has been dead longer than 80 years (possible exception: Mexico, which has a term 100 years after the author's death). Another very peculiar except is that his works published 1923 or later may be copyrighted in the United States under the URAA, provided that they were still in copyright in France in 1996, and they will remain so until 95 years after the date of first publication. On the other hand in 1996 France's term of copyright was only 50 years after the death of the author, but this was later retroactively extended. However at least one decision (see the related link in French) suggests that because these works were not in copyright in 1996, they were not restored, and so they're all in the public domain in the US as well.
Update: I've learned more about French copyright since I wrote this, and it gets much more complex, but here's what you need to know. Any works first published by Monet in France before his death are in the public domain in both France and the United States. In France, rights were retroactively extended to 70 years after the author's death, and that has expired. Almost all countries in the world use a term of at most 80 pma, so rights are expired throughout Europe, Latin America, Asia, Australasia, Canada, etc. Mexico's extension to 100 years after the author's death was in 2003 and not retroactive, so they are PD in Mexico too.
United States: On France's URAA date in 1996, French works still had copyright for only 50 years after the author's death, plus wartime extensions of 8 years and 120 days. Since Monet died before 1937, his works were public domain in France then as well, and consequently their copyright was not restored in the US. So they are public domain there too. Some of his works were published before 1921, and so may have received additional wartime extensions (up to 14 years and 272 days), but these works predate 1923 and so are PD in the US regardless.
Just about the only nation in the world where they are *not* in the public domain is Côte d'Ivoire, which observes copyright for 99 years after the death of the author and does not follow the rule of the shorter term. Note that the above does not apply to any works published later on after his death, nor to works first published outside France, or published in the US within 30 days (I'm not aware of any such works but they may exist). In particular, any works first published in the UK, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, or Spain in 1923 or later are still in copyright in the United States under the URAA.
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Works of Vincent van Gogh are in the public domain.
Photographs taken prior to 1923 are in the public domain; later works may still be protected if they were renewed.
Monet painted in the Impressionistic style and the majority of his works were done 'en plein air' or outdoors on the actual site, painted quickly from direct observation. Refer to his paintings of Haystacks, Cathedrals, and the water lily series. Monet captured the color of light at different times of the day in a way no other artist had. He used oil paints, watercolors, pastels.
Claude Debussy
Public works
Written laws, as works of the government, are in the public domain.
All of Bougereau's works are in the public domain, but subsequent derivative works, such as photographs of the paintings, may be protected.
Works no longer protected by copyright are said to be in the public domain.
All works of Jupiter Hammon are in the public domain.
Public domain applies to dramatic and artistic works when the copyright for a creative work expires or is waived by the author. Works that are in the public domain can be freely used, shared, and adapted by anyone without permission. This allows for greater access to and creativity with these works.
Public domain refers to creative works that are not protected by intellectual property rights and are available for anyone to use, modify, or distribute without restriction. Works in the public domain may include expired copyrights, works created by the government, or works for which the creator has explicitly waived their rights.
Public Domain
Works enter the public domain if they are not protected by copyright (such as works of the US Government), or once copyright protection has expired. The current term of copyright is extremely long, so works are protected for many years before they enter the public domain (at least 50 years past the death of the creator, and often longer).
Copyright protection is required to be "for a limited time," after which the works enter the public domain, where they can be used by anyone for anything.
In most countries, new works are entering the public domain every year on January 1. In the US, no new works will enter the public domain until 2019.
No; as a Canadian, his works entered the public domain in 1975.
All works of John Bunyan are in the public domain.