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A heart rate of 45 is probably bradycardia. Generally anything less than 60bpm is considered bradycardia (slow heart rate).

The P-wave is more complicated. To me this sounds like an electrical problem.

The P wave originates near the SA node after it produces electrical stimulation of the right atrium as it travels toward the AV node. This is recorded as the P-wave if the EKG equipment can sense it. If there is some disturbance of this electrical impulse or it is abnormal, that might be a possible cause of an absent P-wave.

An absence of P-waves with QRS totally present could mean that the rhythm started somewhere in the AV junction (Barbara Aelert, p.76) instead of where it was supposed to start.

Usually P waves are either positive (upward) or negative (downward). The most obvious explanation for a totally ABSENT p-wave would be that the lead (II) is disconnected! That would be the first thing to check... that would be nice because it would mean that you just made a mistake with the EKG and the person's heart might be fine.

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Q: A heart rate of 45 bpm and an absence of P waves from the ECG would suggest?
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Does smoking fasten the heart?

yes it suffocates the lungs and the heart making it difficult to breath and pump blood i would not suggest smoking as a hobby or a habit

How would the heart be affected if the purkyne tissue ceased to work?

The waves of excitation would not be carried to the bottom of the heart first and it would spread over the ventricular walls from top to bottom causing the ventricualr muscle to contract in a way that it pushs the blood downwards. The blood would however end up going through the arteries because of the immense pressure but less will be pumped through the arteies with every contraction hence leading to less blood being pumped in the heart

What would happen if water waves were Compressional?

They would likely have much less of an impact than real ocean waves do. As it is, the only compressional waves that can move through water are sound waves, as water is, of the most part, incompressible, as are most liquids and solids.

Why is your heart an involuntary?

Your heart is involuntary because you cannot contract your cardiac muscle or" heart muscles". it would be terrible if your heart was voluntary. You would have to remember to pump your own blood or you would die :)

High heart rate mean heart problems?

An abnormally high pulse is referred to medically as tachycardia. This is where the pulse rate is greater than or equal to 120 beats per minute while at rest.It means that the heart is pumping blood very quickly. This often happens after intense exercise or a fearful experience. It is good to rest if this occurs to bring the pulse rate back to normal.

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