Caboodle, a mix between a Collie and a Poodle.
Cavalier King
Charles Spaniel
Cocker Spaniel
Chinese Crested
Cesky Terrier
Chow Chow
Canis Panther
See a more comprehensive list at the link below.
Dog, cat, rat, bat.
* cat * cod (fish) * dog * goa (gazelle)
Some words that describe a dog starting with the letters U, V, or Z are:uglyunrivaledunrulyunusualupbeatvaliantverbally quietviciousvictoriousvirilevoraciouszanyzealouszippy
cat, bat, dog
dog cat rat bat
Cat dog rat bat
dog? as in sea dog Possibly tar
Pig Dog Cat Cow Hen
cat bat rat dog hog pig zoo a boy
Fox Dog Cat Bat Rat Yak
Dog, cat, rat, bat.
There are many ways to solve different maths codes. some may work with numbers turning into letters others may work with letters turning into different letters. some codes may have a letter 3 letters after it so say if the code was; ALD. 3 letters after A is D 3 letters after L is O and 3 letters after D is G so the word would spell "dog".
Cat, dog, rat, pig, ewe, kid (baby goat),
cat, dog, rat, bug, pig, hog, ant (if you have an antfarm)