Six (6) things to wear on your feet that start with S:
sandals. shoes. slippers. sneakers. socks. stockings.
deadendeadlydearlydebasedecadedecantdecentdeceitdecidedecreededucedeeplydeependefeatdefectdefenddefiledefinedefraydefusedegreedeludedeformdeletedeja vudelugedeluxedemanddemeandemisedemuredenotedenierdentaldentindenialdepartdeposederailderidedesigndepictdeportdeputydermalderivedermisdescrydesertdesiredesistdemistdesistdespotdetachdetourdetestdetectdevisedevicedevotedevourdewlapdevoid
(6-ft x 172-ft) / (200 square feet per gallon) = 5.16 gallons
People wear slippers, swim fins and snowshoes. People wear SAS shoes, stockings and socks.
You can wear sandals, shoes and skates. People also wear ski boots, skis and slippers.
Socks Shoes Slippers Sandals
Tennis Shoes, Flip Flops, Boots, Socks, Slippers, and an Ankle Brace.
socks,sandals,shoes, slippers, ski's and skates. Or even sneekers.
At 6' 6" tall, Charles must wear a size 13 or bigger shoe.
socks shoes sandals slippers
about 6 or 7 but others like me have bigger feet. i'm only 11 and i wear a size 9 in womens you r suppose to be wearing a size 6 or 7
You wear joggers, socks, slippers, heels, platforms, sandals, thongs, flipflops and the list goes on.
tigers. they have 4 feet, a rump, and a head..... 6 ends
-- a pair of tennis shoes -- a pair of dress shoes -- a pair of socks