Ignition control module.. located under the distributor
The distributor cap is probably cracked and moisture is getting into it. Replace the cap .
Replace the coolant temp sensor.
sound like you have a 4.3 vortec with a bad spider. it is multiported so inside the plentum of the intake, there is your spider, they go bad and fill up your intake with fuel, then dump it down the valley of the engine.
The fuel pump relay on that 92 Blazer with the 4.3 engine is located under the hood, on the firewall, drivers side, if there is more than one relay there, it's the one closest to the drivers fender.
Was that the only code that caused you to replace it? Do you have it close enough to sense again.
89 ,gmc ,jimmy turns over wont start, fuelpump ,good fuses good ,linkwier,good
It is probably in need of new spark plug wires.
Several problems can cause a 1999 Blazer not to start. There could be a fuel problem or a firing problem. Check for fuel pressure and ignition spark first.
I had a Chevy blazer with the same problem. It had spark, fuel pressure, good battery & good starter. I sprayed some carburetor quick start spray & it started. They blazers have a problem with the fuel injection.
Control problem, blend door not working are the places to start
more than likely its the fuel pump. common problem
1998 chevy blazer wont start good spark and good fuel presure
Probably needs new ignition wires
No, it would not start.
If the engine cranks and fails to start them problem is most likely cracked distributor cap. When you do get it running, dim lights and lightly spray water on the cap. This should tell you if that is the problem.
fuel problem. make sure you have gas of course, check out your fuel pump, injectors, fuel lines etc.
My first guess would be the fuel pump is at fault.
It crank but it dos'nt start recently i pu some gas in the thraun then it start