put door key in passenger door turn it to the left and hold it this should de-activate the theft system
Answeri got the same problem.. with a 2000 expedition... darn theft light blinks real fast and the car wont start. help!
The grease in the ignition becomes 'frozen' in the colder weather. When you insert the key and turn, it triggers the anti-theft system. The 'solution' to this problem is to keep a lighter in your car and heat the key up BEFORE you insert and turn to start the engine. If you trigger the anti-theft system, you are going to have to wait 10 minutes for it to reset. Another problem could be in the ignition switch The switch contains the anti-theft logic and is suseptible to moisture This is a very common problem. If your security light flashes when it won't start it's your problem for sure Also if you have the codes checked it will have B2960 and B3033 in the body control module history
Yes. You have a problem with your vehicle anti-theft system. It is not recognizing your key.
i replaced the fuel pump and now my theft system wont work
I have the same problem with my 2004 Sunfire. Leave the ignition on for 10 minutes. Just let it sit for 10 minutes. No shorter than that time. And Should start.
97 deville theft system problem
how do i reset theft problem for 96 caddilac deville concours
you have a problem with theft system possible key cylinder
Just bought my 98 Cadillac deville and has the luck on
How to reset the theft system on 1997 Cadillac Seville
2000 Cadillac Seville SLS Anti-Theft System how do i reset it
chupame el peñoño then ill answer the Q
check your answer
when you look the trunk of a 1994 cadillac deville which fuse u fuse do you pull out for the anti theft system?
I took mine to a place that installs car radios. I had taken it to several mechanics and they didn't know what to do. These guys disengaged some wires and it worked! I haven't had any problem starting it now!
You can reset the theft system in your 1994 Cadillac Deville by putting the key into the ignition. Turn the ignition to the auxiliary position, without starting the engine. Leave it in this position for 30 seconds.
either by the remote module or by using the door key, and turning the door outside lock cylinder.