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Because a backhoe would damage the stuff they're trying to dig up.

Archaeologists use a number of tools. If they think the surface layer is thick, they might actually use a backhoe, but more generally they'll use shovels and picks to remove the surface layers. When they get down to the interesting layers, they will switch to smaller spades, or trowels. To remove the dirt without damaging the artifact, they'll use brushes, and smaller brushes, and finally tiny brushes to dislodge the dirt.

The key point is, they don't want to damage the artifact.

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4mo ago

Archaeologists use tiny paintbrushes to carefully and precisely remove dirt and debris from delicate artifacts without damaging them. The soft bristles of the paintbrushes allow for controlled and gentle cleaning of objects, revealing important details and preserving the integrity of the artifact.

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What items to archaeologist use to study the past?

Archaeologists use tools such as trowels, brushes, shovels, and sieves to excavate and uncover artifacts from the past. They also use technologies like ground-penetrating radar, LiDAR, and drones to map and analyze archaeological sites. Additionally, they may use specialized equipment for artifact conservation, such as brushes, chemicals, and preservation materials.

What are the brushes called which archaeologists use?

Archaeologists often use brushes called soft-bristled or camel hair brushes. These brushes are gentle and help in carefully removing dirt and debris from artifacts or excavation sites without causing damage.

How can you use the word 'archaeologist' in a sentence?

An archaeologist is a scientist who studies the past. Here are some sentences.The archaeologist excavated the site and discovered a brand new type of dinosaur.The ancient city was studied by any archaeologists.Professor Leakey was an archaeologist.

Do archaeologists use banister brushes?

No, archaeologists do not typically use banister brushes for excavation. They use specialized tools such as trowels, brushes, and shovels designed specifically for the careful and precise work of uncovering and documenting artifacts and archaeological features. Banister brushes are more commonly used for cleaning and dusting banisters and other household surfaces.

What do Archaeologists Use?

Archaeologists use a variety of tools and techniques such as ground-penetrating radar, GPS, drones, and LiDAR for surveying and mapping sites. They also use excavation tools like trowels, brushes, and shovels to carefully unearth artifacts. Additionally, they make use of laboratory equipment for analyzing and dating artifacts.