Bishop Jeptah Aguas-Aniceto aka Datu Mahumanoy is the current Bishop of the Eparchy of Mindanao, Eastern Catholic Church in the Philippines belonging to the the Syrian-Chaldean Orthodox Apostolic and Canonical line. He is also the Superior-Protector of the NEO-MONASTIC community of St. Francis and the Dean of Stratford Divinity School in South Cotobato, Philippines.
He is also an active Socio-economic Scientist, Microfinance Practitioner and an Electrical Consumer Advocate.
On 10 May 2010, he was baptized as DATU MAHUMANOY (or the Great Spirit) of the Manobo, Bagobo-Obo tribe of Tamayong District, Davao and was also adopted into the Matigsalog Tribe of Sinuda, Bukidon, and B'laan Tribe of Tampakan, Cotobato.
He was a Theological Scholar in Harvard Divinity School, SLI 2003. He founded the "Theology of Land" (Adamah, a phenomenological perspective of Filipino about Land) and "Werkzuegmaschine. He underwent special training in Microfinance at the Brigham Young University.
He took his Existential and Phenomenological Studies in the Society of the Divine Word. He also had his MBA at the University of Nueva Caceres, and MDiv at the Union Theological Seminary and Wesley Divinity School during his Protestant days.
He is the also the inventor of the Modified Stokes Beneficiation Process of Siruma Clay, discompounding the material into a 99.9% Silica and China Clay in the Philippines and Head Consultant of the Deuterium Energy Studies of the Hon. Imelda R. Marcos.
He is presently doing Anthropological Theology in East Africa, finishing his research on Theology of Land and Epistemology. He is also heavily involved with Cavendish, Pineapple, Coffee and Hydrophonics Horticulture.
the archbishops job was to look after the church and to preach the word of the gospel. Thomas Becket was a brilliant arch bishop but he was killed by the king Henry and 4 of his knights. he fled to France and then was killed when he came back
Saint Julius was buried in Brixen, Italy. He was a bishop of the city in the 4th century and is considered a patron saint of Brixen.
Saint Nicholas, the real person behind the legend of Santa Claus, lived in the ancient city of Myra in Lycia, which is now modern-day Turkey. He was a Christian bishop known for his generosity and kindness, especially towards children and the poor.
Saint Augustine was born in Tagaste, part of modern-day Algeria, and later lived in various places including Carthage, Milan, and Hippo (modern-day Annaba, Algeria). He spent much of his life in North Africa.
Saint Nicholas is believed to have died, and been buried, in the city of Myra, where he was Bishop. However, in the 12th century, pirates from Bari, Italy, stole his relics and moved them to the church in Bari and that is where they remain today.
The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.The bishop was the head of his diocese.
Is Elvin Bishop related to Stephen Bishop are they Brothers
It depends. An Auxillary Bishop is usually the assistant Bishop. When there is a large jurisdiction or region, the Jurisdictional Bishop usually appoints assistants.
Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.Eusebius was the bishop who claimed to have baptized Constantine.
The archbishop is a person like the pope but two steps down and the Bishop himself the arch bishop is one step down and when the Bishop dies the Arch bishop becomes the Bishop
Yes! Bishop William is Bishop Charles uncle. Bishop William and Bishop Charles' father(Bishop David) were brothers.
Emertius Bishop or Laid Bishop
Bishop Pompallier was the first bishop to arrive in New Zealand
There is no opposite of bishop.
The address of the Bishop Branch Library is: 210 Academy Ave., Bishop, 93514 2693