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Gold Diggers. Kanye West.

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4mo ago

Miners typically dig for gold in mines or rivers where the precious metal is naturally found. This process involves extracting gold ore from the ground and then processing it to extract the gold through methods like panning, sluicing, or chemical extraction.

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A person who digs gold is called?

A person who digs gold is called a prospector or a miner.

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A person who digs gold and diamonds from the earth is commonly referred to as a miner or a prospector in the mining industry.

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A person who digs for metal ore in the ground is typically called a miner. Miners extract various types of metals such as gold, silver, copper, and iron from the earth for industrial use.

What is a person who digs for metal ore in the ground?

A person who digs for metal ore in the ground is called a miner. Miners extract ores like copper, iron, gold, and silver by breaking rock and retrieving the valuable minerals contained within.

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JR Digs was created in 2001.

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Time Team Digs was created in 2002.

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The duration of Be Real with JR Digs is 1800.0 seconds.