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a period when human laerned farming and herding

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โˆ™ 4mo ago

The Neolithic Revolution refers to the shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agricultural communities, marking the beginning of farming and domestication of animals. It led to the development of permanent settlements, the emergence of complex societies, and the advancement of tools and technology.

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Q: Whichof the following correctly describes the term Neolithic Revolution?
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What of the following situations could be found in a society before the Neolithic Revolution?

Hunter-gatherer communities, nomadic lifestyles, small-scale agriculture, and stone tool use could all be found in a society before the Neolithic Revolution.

What does 'post neolithic' mean?

"Post-Neolithic" refers to the time period following the Neolithic Age, which was a period of human history characterized by the development of agriculture, settled communities, and the use of stone tools. Post-Neolithic refers to the subsequent period when societies began to transition to more advanced forms of social organization, such as the Bronze Age and Iron Age, which saw the use of metals and the development of more complex civilizations.

What are facts about Neolithic and Paleolithic people?

Neolithic people were known for their agricultural practices, development of pottery, and domestication of animals. They lived in permanent settlements and produced more advanced tools. Paleolithic people were hunter-gatherers who relied on stone tools and lived in temporary shelters. They had a nomadic lifestyle, following the migration of animals for food, and had a close connection to nature.

How did the neolithic age find obsidian?

During the Neolithic Age, people found obsidian through natural volcanic processes that created deposits near the Earth's surface. They would locate these obsidian sources by searching for areas with small pieces of the volcanic glass on the ground or by following signs of past volcanic activity like lava flows or volcanic craters. Once located, they would collect obsidian for making tools and weapons due to its sharp edges and hardness.

Which of the following changes characterized the new stone age?

Key changes that characterized the New Stone Age, or Neolithic Period, include the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, the domestication of animals, the development of permanent settlements, and the emergence of more complex social structures and technologies.

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