Robert Scott and his team were left where they died on the Ross Ice Shelf. It is not certain if their bodies are still on the Ice Shelf, or if they have been carried away by the continuing movement and breakup of that Ice Shelf.
Robert Scott, the polar explorer, is buried at Hut Point on Ross Island in Antarctica. His memorial cross can be found at Cape Evans, also in Antarctica.
Captain Robert Falcon Scott is buried at Ross Island, Antarctica in a location known as Cape Evans. His grave is marked by a simple wooden cross that bears the inscription "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
The team that found Captain Scott with his companions buried the tent with their bodies inside, in November of 1912. Mother Nature subsequently covered the spot with ice crystals and as part of the Ross Ice Shelf, one can assume that their remains are either still there, or have been calved off in an iceberg and dropped into the sea bed.
Robert Fulton is buried at Trinity Church Cemetery in New York City, USA.
Robert Schumann's grave is located in the Alter Friedhof cemetery in Bonn, Germany. He was buried there in 1856.
Robert Falcon Scott was not buried. He died during his ill-fated expedition to the South Pole in 1912, and his body was found in the tent where he and two others perished. They were covered by snow and ice, preserving their bodies until they were discovered months later.
Robert Menzies was buried in Melbourne general cemetery
Captain Robert Falcon Scott is buried at Ross Island, Antarctica in a location known as Cape Evans. His grave is marked by a simple wooden cross that bears the inscription "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
Scott Robert Ritchie's birth name is Scott Robert Ritchie.
Robert Scott explore in antartica
Robert Scott was British, and was born in Devon, England.
Robert Falcon Scott was known in his family as CON
Robert Falcon Scott was born in Plymouth, England.
The team that found Captain Scott with his companions buried the tent with their bodies inside, in November of 1912. Mother Nature subsequently covered the spot with ice crystals and as part of the Ross Ice Shelf, one can assume that their remains are either still there, or have been calved off in an iceberg and dropped into the sea bed.
Robert Hooke was buried at St. Helen's Church in London, England.
Robert Scott Thompson was born in 1959.
Robert Wellbeloved Scott was born in 1803.
Robert Wellbeloved Scott died in 1856.