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This fine pottery ,especially bowls and plates , were found from several archaeological sites throughout the subcontinent .Traders may have carried them from the places where they were made , to sell them at other places.

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Historians use a variety of evidence to find out about trade and traders, including written records such as diaries, letters, and account books, as well as archaeological findings such as trade goods, coinage, and trading settlements. They also analyze maps, oral histories, art, and artifacts related to trade routes and practices. Additionally, statistical data on imports and exports, customs records, and ship logs provide valuable insights into trade patterns and the activities of traders.

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Q: What kinds of evidence do historians use to find out about trade and traders?
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What kinds of evidence do historians use to find out about trade and trade routes?

Historians use a variety of evidence to study trade and trade routes. This can include written records such as trade agreements, diplomatic correspondences, and travel accounts. Additionally, archaeological findings such as trade goods, shipwrecks, and ancient marketplaces provide valuable insights. Artistic representations, such as paintings and pottery, can also offer clues about trade networks and the movement of goods.

What can historians learn from archeological evidence?

Historians can learn about past societies' daily life, cultural practices, and technological advancements from archaeological evidence. By studying artifacts, structures, and landscapes, historians can gain insights into ancient economies, social structures, and religious beliefs. Additionally, archaeological evidence can provide information about trade networks, migration patterns, and interactions between different societies.

What evidence do historians have on how the Nok people lived?

Historians have gathered evidence on how the Nok people lived through the discovery of terracotta sculptures, pottery, and iron artifacts. These artifacts suggest that the Nok people were skilled in pottery making, metalworking, agriculture, and trade. The society was likely organized into small settlements engaged in farming and likely had social hierarchies.

How can historians reconstruct the past by tracing the exchange of particular commodities?

Historians can reconstruct the past by tracing the exchange of particular commodities through studying trade routes, analyzing account records, examining archaeological evidence of ancient marketplaces, and interpreting written sources such as trade contracts and merchants' letters. By piecing together these various sources of information, historians can gain insights into the economic relationships, cultural exchanges, and social structures of past societies.

Why did activities of early traders encourage exploration?

they were adventurous.

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What kinds of evidence do historians use to find out about trade and trade routes?

Historians use a variety of evidence to study trade and trade routes. This can include written records such as trade agreements, diplomatic correspondences, and travel accounts. Additionally, archaeological findings such as trade goods, shipwrecks, and ancient marketplaces provide valuable insights. Artistic representations, such as paintings and pottery, can also offer clues about trade networks and the movement of goods.

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What can historians learn from archeological evidence?

Historians can learn about past societies' daily life, cultural practices, and technological advancements from archaeological evidence. By studying artifacts, structures, and landscapes, historians can gain insights into ancient economies, social structures, and religious beliefs. Additionally, archaeological evidence can provide information about trade networks, migration patterns, and interactions between different societies.

How do you use traders in a sentence?

Sentences using trade are: They trade baseball cards regularly. Countries engage in international trade. We will trade dresses for the dance.

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The French fur traders had to trade for bear fur, deer skin. They had to trade theese things because they were warm

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When did Arab traders first begin to trade in southeast Asia?

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You aint always gonna get an answer my name is siri

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