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Customs Traditions

People living in different parts of the world

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4mo ago
  1. Indigenous cultures, such as Native American tribes, often rely on oral history to pass down traditions, stories, and customs from one generation to the next.
  2. African cultures, especially those with rich storytelling traditions, often use oral history to preserve historical events, legends, and cultural practices.
  3. Pacific Islander cultures, like the Maori of New Zealand or the Hawaiian Indigenous people, may rely on oral history to maintain their cultural heritage and ancestral knowledge.
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Kirsten Welch

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3y ago

country's that have much trouble reading

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Q: What are three cultures that might rely on oral history?
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What are the 3 types of history in the bible?

oral history , written history , history reccounted

Why do archaeologist use information from the past to learn about past cultures?

Archaeologists use information from the past to learn about past cultures because physical artifacts and structures provide direct evidence of how people lived, what they believed, and how societies were organized. By studying these artifacts, archaeologists can reconstruct aspects of ancient cultures that are not documented in written records or oral traditions. This helps to create a more complete understanding of human history and development.

What is evidence used to study the past?

Evidence used to study the past includes artifacts, fossils, historical documents, and oral histories. These sources provide insight into past civilizations, cultures, and events, allowing researchers to piece together a clearer understanding of history through analysis and interpretation.

Why is oral history so important to First Nations people?

Oral history is important to First Nations people because it allows them to preserve and transmit their cultural traditions, stories, and knowledge from generation to generation. It also serves as a way to maintain a strong connection to their identity, land, and ancestors. Additionally, oral history provides a more holistic and personal understanding of their history, as it often includes perspectives and insights that may not be found in written records.

Where were the traces of the past found?

Where were the traces of the past found

Related questions

What cultures used oral tradition?

Greek cultures are well known for oral traditions.

What are oral sources?

Oral sources are recordings or transcripts detailing the lives of a person or group. Oral history can allow you to gain insight into the lives of people who otherwise might not be in the historical record.

Is oral history written down?

Oral means spoken, so no. But it can be written down later, at which time it is written history, not oral history.

When was Oral History Society created?

Oral History Society was created in 1973.

Was heisst oral history auf Deutsch?

oral history = mündliche Geschichte

What is an American folk icon?

American folk icon is legends from music, oral history, jokes, beliefs, stories, and fairy tales. These are the customs and traditions of a cultures or a subculture of a group.

What is an oral narratives?

An oral narrative is a story that is transmitted verbally from one generation to another. It often includes cultural teachings, history, and traditions that are passed down through spoken word rather than written down. Oral narratives have been an integral part of many cultures and societies worldwide.

What are the three reasons why a drug might not be used for oral administration?

because they are degraded or destroyed by stomach acid.

Even though oral tradtitions might contain stories that are not historically accurate what can they tell us about the past?

faminly history

Do any modern cultures have little or no recorded history because they rely on oral traditions?

The only Native American culture that had a written language before the reservations were implemented were the Cherokee. So most native culture in the states relied upon oral traditions.

How might oral history differ from written history?

It can be changed as it's told from one person to another. Like the telephone rarely ends the way it started.

What is oral histories?

Oral history is history that was not written down as it happened but after it had been passed down by word of mouth. Great grandparents told their children who told their children who told you. It was also stories that were handed down from generation to generation in cultures so that it would be remembered. Eventually it would be written, but when it was finally written there were no living wittnesses.