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As archaeology is such a broad subject which borrows a lot of its theory and methodology from other subjects a lot of subjects would be relevant. Most common combinations would probably include history, social or physical anthropology, geosciences, physics or Biology. However, choose based on what interests you.

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Some good subjects to minor in with Archaeology as a major include anthropology, history, cultural studies, or geographic information systems (GIS). These minors can provide valuable interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that complement the archaeological studies and enhance career opportunities in the field.

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Continue Learning about Archaeology

What is the study of the human past through artifacts?

The study of the human past through artifacts is called archaeology. Archaeologists excavate and analyze material remains left behind by past societies to understand their culture, behavior, and activities. By studying artifacts, archaeologists can reconstruct and interpret aspects of human history and civilization.

How do you learn more about becoming an archeologist I'm in the ninth grade and homeschooled and I can only find stuff about how to become an archeologist for kids who go to regular school?

To become an archaeologist, you can start by reading books and articles on archaeology, volunteering at local museums or historical sites, and reaching out to archaeologists or local universities for guidance. You can also look into online courses or workshops related to archaeology to gain more knowledge and experience in the field.

How much money does a marine archaeologist make in a year and what degrees and classes do I have to have to get in order to have a job in this profession?

The salary of a marine archaeologist can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and employer. On average, marine archaeologists earn between $40,000 and $80,000 per year. To pursue a career in this field, a bachelor's degree in archaeology, anthropology, or a related field is typically required, followed by a master's degree or higher in marine archaeology or maritime studies. Courses in underwater archaeology techniques, marine science, and cultural heritage management are also beneficial.

What is the best campus to study archaeology?

The best campus to study archaeology would depend on your specific interests and goals within the field. Some top universities known for their archaeology programs include Cambridge University, Harvard University, and the University of Oxford. It's important to research each program's faculty, resources, and opportunities for fieldwork to find the best fit for you.

What were bartolomeu dias's major accomplishments?

Bartolomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer who became the first European to sail around the southernmost tip of Africa, known as the Cape of Good Hope. His successful voyage in 1488 opened up a sea route from Europe to Asia, revolutionizing global trade and exploration. Dias also paved the way for future explorers, such as Vasco da Gama, to establish direct maritime connections between Europe and Asia.

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Wikipedia has a good list, its not complete, but its good.

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It's all dependent on what it is you wish to do when you graduate.

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The archaeological dig was very successful after Indiana Jones came to help.

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A good major would be pre law. A long with your pre law major, a minor in journalism or political science would be helpful.

What would be good minor if your major is a veterinarian?

In vet school, you won't have time to go for a minor. There are some dual degree programs where you double major, but a fair number of them add a year onto your time in school to get both degrees. In pre-veterinary medicine work, however, a common minor is chemistry.

How old do you have to be to do archaeology?

out of college with a degree. Uconn is a good place for this.

What would youre do if you failing one of your major subjects at the end of the semester?

It depends on your grades the whole semester whether they're good then you should get passed on

What is a mojor Prophet?

I believe you mean a major prophet. Whether a prophet is "major" or "minor" has to deal with the amount of writing they produced. Major prophets (like Isaiah or Jeremiah) wrote a lot, whereas minor prophets (like Baruch and others) wrote very little. It has nothing to do with how much work or how much good the prophet did.