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In doing a cultural profile one of the most sensitive and difficult areas of research is in approaching the female segment of the society and determining what it is that they want.

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interpreting and analyzing archaeological or anthropological findings to reconstruct past cultures and societies. This involves piecing together fragments of evidence such as artifacts, human remains, and structures to understand how these societies lived, interacted, and evolved over time.

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Q: One of the most important and difficult jobs of both archeologists and anthropologists is...?
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What is one of the most important and difficult jobs of both archaeologists and anthropologists?

One of the most important and difficult jobs of both archaeologists and anthropologists is interpreting and making sense of the artifacts and data they uncover. This involves piecing together fragments of evidence to construct a comprehensive picture of past cultures, societies, and human behavior.

Did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both the Bantu peoples?

pottery fragments

How are pikes expedition and Lewis and Clark alike?

Both Pike's expedition and the Lewis and Clark expedition were tasked by the U.S. government to explore and map the western territories of the United States. They were both important in expanding American knowledge and influence in these regions during the early 19th century. Both expeditions faced challenges such as harsh weather, difficult terrain, and encounters with Native American tribes.

How are anthropologists and archaeologists alike?

Anthropologists and archaeologists both study human societies and cultures, but they do so using different methods. Anthropologists typically focus on living cultures and study their customs, beliefs, and social structures, while archaeologists study past societies through the analysis of material remains such as artifacts and structures. Both disciplines aim to understand the complexities of human behavior and the development of societies over time.

One who studies artifacts of people?

Archaeologists are scientists who examine objects to learn about the past, people, and cultures. They sift through the dirt of prehistoric camps to find bones, tools, and other objects. For example, bones might tell an archaeologist about the people who lived there. Historians and archaeologistsare different from each other since historians study the written records of human life and accomplishments to understand a society which are its wars, its religion, and its rulers, among other things. Historians also look at what other groups living at the same time wrote about that society as well as the objects discovered by archaeologists to learn about the past. However, archaeologists pretty much rely on their prior knowledge and objects discovered to learn about the past.

Related questions

What is one of the most important and difficult jobs of both archaeologists and anthropologists?

One of the most important and difficult jobs of both archaeologists and anthropologists is interpreting and making sense of the artifacts and data they uncover. This involves piecing together fragments of evidence to construct a comprehensive picture of past cultures, societies, and human behavior.

What did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the peoples?

pottery fragments

Is the genus or species name more important?

Difficult to answer this because they are both important. It's a bit like asking which is more important in a car, the wheels or the engine. You need both.

What archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the bantu people?

pottery fragments

What did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the Bantu people's?

Pottery fragments

What did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both Bantu people?

pottery fragments

What did the archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both bantu peoples?

pottery fragments

What two kinds of human forms do physical anthropologists study?

Physical anthropologists study both the biological and cultural aspects of the human form. Biological anthropology focuses on the evolution, variation, and adaptation of humans and their ancestors, while cultural anthropology focuses on human societies, their beliefs, practices, and customs.

Did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both the Bantu peoples?

pottery fragments

Why have ethnologists focused their study on nonliterate peoples?

Anthropologists study both literate and nonliterate societies, as well as ancient and contemporary ways of life.

A scientist who studies the history of mankind?

An Anthropologist is the one who studies mankind and his development. Anthropology is the study of mankind and his developments.

Anthropologists must be very much like?

Ethnographers, as both professions involve studying different cultures, societies, and human behavior through observation and analysis. Both anthropologists and ethnographers aim to understand and interpret the complexities of human societies and their cultural practices. They often conduct fieldwork, interviews, and research to gain insights into various aspects of human life.